Chapter 35

—🕊Zenaku Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

As I was cutting the cabbage, I then just felt someone was hugging my legs, and so when I looked down, I saw Yurina.

" What's the matter little Yurina? " I said and touched her head, but she was still hugging my leg, and so carried her onto my arms.

" What's the matter? " I said and she just hugs me and so I smiled.

" My.. You seem to be very... Sweet today. Is something wrong?  " I said

" Don't leave okay." she said and so I smiled again.

( She's so cute...)

" I won't, so tell me what's the matter?  " I said and she then looked at me.

" I want to give you this necklace. " she said and smiled, and she then shows a necklace with a sunflower.

( A gift? )

( But.. It's not my birthday yet.)

( How sweet of her.)

" Is this for me?  " I said and she nodded, she put the necklace on my neck and so I smiled to her.

" It's a gift from the future." she said and so I pinched her cheek.

" It's lovely thank you." I said and then my brother then appeared besides me.

" Eh? What's this drama hah? " Yoru said and so I just rolled my eye.

" Yoru!!! You have yours too!!!!  " she said and shows one sunflower necklace, and she also put it on my brothers neck.

" Awe~ it's so cute, thank you, by the way your mother is inside the living room. " Yoru said

" I know, she found me outside the hou—. " she said

" What!??  " My brother and I.

" You were outside the house??? " I said

" You sneak out???? " Yoru said

" You don—. " she said

" Why you little trouble maker, don't do that. " I said

" Strawberry, you should never learn to sneak out again, do you understand?  " Yoru said and she then sighed and just nodded.

" Now, that's more better, anyway, are you two going to help me in here?  " I said

" Nope, King Akuma calls me today, and I need to assist him, he has an urgent matter that needs to be done, so I can't help you today, and Queen Runa will be staying in here. " Yoru said and so I nodded.

" Should I help instead?  " she said and smiled.

" Why I would love too!  "I said and smiled, my brother then disappeared right besides me and Yurina then helped me to cut the onion, of course... I also bought her own knife.

( She's so cute....)

" Ahem, what's this?  " I heard Queen Runas voice.

" Mommy!!!! I'm helping Zenaku cooking!!! " she said and smile and Queen Runa smiled too.

" Awe~ my sweet darling is learning cooking ~~ keep up the good job sweet darling, if you want something, come to my office okay?  " Queen Runa said and she then kissed Yurinas cheek.

After little Yurina helped me cook the food, she then yawned and so I looked at her.

" You look tired, do you want to rest first?  " I said

" I don't want to sleep yet, I haven't eaten dinner yet. " she said and pouted and so I smiled to her.

" You can rest for now and I'll wake you up when dinner will be ready." I said

" Is papa will be home today?  " she said

( King very busy today..)

( And from what I heard from Yorus word awhile ago, it was urgent matter.)

( That means.. King Akuma will come home late and he will missed the dinner with little Yurina.)

" We'll, King Akuma today is really busy, he has urgent matter like what Yoru said, but I'll find away to make King Akuma home early." I said and she then smiled.

" I love you ." she said and smiled.

" Thank you." she said and hugs me.

( Ah... I? What?! )

( That was three words...)

( I love you??????? )

( Wahhhh!!!!! Kawaiiii!!!! )

( I've never heard that word from her before!!!! It's my first time!!! )

( My ears have been blessed!!! )

( I love my sweet little Yurina so much!!! So much kawaii!!! )

" I love you." I said and hugs her too and when I looked at her, she was already napping.

( My... She's so cute!!!!  )

( I should get my camera!!! )

( I should take a picture of her while she's sleeping!!! )

As I was walking through the hallway inside this mansion, and as I entered the living room, I then lay down little Yurina to the sofa and cover her tiny body with soft blanket and I then grabbed my camera.

"  Cute~" I said and smile, after that I took a lots of pictures from her sleeping.

( Waaah!!! Kawai!!!! )

( I should put this inside the Album!! )

( And so if the Queen and King misses the little Yurina, they could always see this picture of her.)

( I will take a lots of pictures of you from now on.)

( So we could see you growing up by picture and picture.)

" You are so kawaiii!!! " I said

As I was busy taking photos of little Yurina, I then heard someones voice behind me.

" What's this? " Queen Runa

I then turned around to see Queen Runa holding an album, there are a few pictures inside in there of Little Yurina.

" You took a lots of pictures of my sweet darling." Queen Runa

" Yes my Queen, I did took a lots of picture from her the day when she arrived in this house, I created this album for her and to King Akuma and You, so we could all see the picture of her when she was just little and until she grows up. " I said

" I like that, keep going. " Queen Runa

" Thank you for your support My Queen. " I said and bow.

" I'll be inside the room for now, take care of her for awhile, Ill be napping too. " Queen Runa said and so I nodded to her and she then left.

I then looked again to my little Yurina and I then smiled when she was really sleeping heavily and she looked like she's in a good mood.

She's smiling whole sleeping.

She looks so cute when she's sleeping or not sleeping, she is still so cute.

And I love it, my sweet little Yurina is growing up little by little.