Chapter 47

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

Minutes has passed and they are still fighting which colors suits perfectly for me, and I just went to that same lady I just bought with clothes when I visited her that day ago.

" It must be really tough for you with three guys surrounding you with so much care." She said and I just smiled fakely and so I looked at those three who are still fighting.

" Looked at them, fighting like kids, they are fighting for which color perfectly suits for you the best." She said and laughed and so I just smiled.

" Come, I'll show you something that will actually looks good on you if you will wear it." She said and so I smiled and followed her.

After we went inside were exactly there's another room, she then showed me a white dress with red and blue.

" What do you think? Do you want to try it on?  " She said and smile.

" Uh.. I'd like to wear a uniform, then a dress that looks so tight and stuff." I said

" I just want to wear the exact same thing I always wear." I said and smiled.

" So you prefer to wear uniforms then dresses? " She said and so I just nodded.

" We'll we have lots of uniforms in here for female like you, we have uniforms for royalty, uniforms for guards, and so on. " She said and keep showing some uniforms.

" We'll, I kind of... Want to wear a black, red and white, because red stands for blood, white stands for innocence and Black stands for the color of my soul." I said and smile and she then smiled at me.

" We'll then.. How about this? " She said and showed me a uniform that perfectly looks good on me, and I love it, there's also a blue buttons on my uniform and I love blue.

" I love it! I'll take it! It is like my old uniform when I was seven, but not the same color, but I love it! Thank you." I said and smiled to her and we then both walked outside the room and she showed me the other room where I could change my clothes.

After changing my clothes, I then walked outside and she then looked at me and smiled.

" You look stunning! You perfectly match your outfit with your black hair and red eyes." she said and so I smiled, and I then payed my the clothes that I'm now wearing.

After that, I then went towards to this three people who are still fighting.

" She actually looks good in dark blue more, and that is final. " Yoru said

" No, she looks perfectly good in white, and thats what is it." Zenaku said

" She looks more super perfect in red, it matches with her eyes." Yasha said and I just sighed.

" How about this? I kind of like this clothes I'm wearing now. " I said and smiled to them, but they didn't even bothered to listen to me.

" No, she looks perfect in white. " Zenaku said with his cold face.

" No, dark blue is better." Yoru said with his angry face.

" I told you guys, RED is more better. " Yasha said with his calm face, and so I breath and stumped my feet on the floor.

" Quiet!!!!! " I yelled and then the three of them then looked at me and so I calm myself down and smiled to them.

" I am not wearing any of those clothes you three chooses, and beside—." Zenaku then cut me off in sentence.

" Change your clothes, I don't like that. " Zenaku said

" Yeah, I agree." Yasha

( What!???? )

( But uniform looks good on me!!! )

" Just to remind you, you aren't a seven year old girl, and so quit wearing school uniforms." Yoru said with his strict voice.

" But I like wearing it, and I already payed for them. " I said

" Nope, TAKE. IT. OFF." Yoru said

" Bu—." I said

" Now! " The three of them said in chorus.

( Gosh.. This three people.)

( Why are they so demanding.)

( I am girl, and I should wear whatever I like.)

( Also..I can't say no to them.)

I then started to remove the uniform that I am wearing, until Yoru scolded me.

" Why are you taking that off? " Yoru said and so I stumped my feet on the floor harder again and looked at him while crossing my arms.

" You three said that I need to take this off, so I am taking it off now, can't you see!?? " I said

( This is so frustrating.)

( I will never bring a guy anymore if I'm going to pick dress for myself.)

" We'll we did, but we never said anything about taking it off in front of three guys in here watching you. " Yasha said and I saw Zenaku crossing his arms on me.

" And so? What's wrong with it!? I'm just taking my clothes off!! " I said while my eyebrows are almost crossing each other.

" Oh yeah? In front of.. Us? " Zenaku

" You know we are guys, and guys shouldn't see a girls body while taking their clothes off, or changing. " Yoru said

" I agree. " Yasha said and crosses his arms on me too.

( Why are they so annoying.)

" But you saw me taking my clothes off when I was bathing." I said and looked at to Yoru and crossed my arms, Zenaku and Yasha then looks at him.

" Uh... T-that was...W-when you were j-just a little girl... I-it's different now that you're big." Yoru said

" And besides, that was when you were a little girl before, that was exempted. " Yoru said while he was not looking at me and so I just sighed.

" Go on and choose what dress you like to wear on school. " Zenaku said and so I just sighed again and picked the red one and Yasha then smiled.

" I told you, she would picked red. " Yasha said and so I stared at him and think for a moment.

( I kind of like the white one.)

( It has the same style with the dark blue, but its a back less dress and no sleeves.)

Though.. Like what I just said before.. I don't like tight dresses and.. Zenaku picked a dress that really looked like a white tight dress for me and the dress that he choose.. Shows a lot of skin.

It looks so tight and the dress is so short.. It's like.. Around my thighs!!! And not just that its a back less dress!!! Everything is just so showy to me.

" I change my mind, I'll pick white. " after that, I then saw Zenaku just smirked with Yasha and Yasha then just rolls his eyes on Zenaku, and then I walked away, holding the white dress.

" I wished I was small. " I said and just walked away, and then, I went inside to a room where I would change my clothes.