Chapter 53

—🕊Yasha Koizumi Kōsei (POVs)

When the main hall opened and all the Gazera students come inside, I just then felt someone was hiding at my back, and so I looked who was it and I just saw Yurina.

( What is this pumpheaded pumpkin doing?? )

( Obviously, she is hiding, but why would she hide?? )

( WAHAHA she's so cute.)

" What are you doing? Why are you hiding at my back? " I said

" Uh.. Just face front, a-and don't act like someone is hiding at your back, just keep cool." She said and I just smiled.

( She's so cute.)

" Aren't you going to watch and check who are this student?  " I said and looked at her.

" No, and stop looking at me, face front. " she said and looked at me too, and I just smiled and do what she said.

( Man, why is she so cute?! )

( You're still that same little girl I know.)

( And that is so funny.)

I then stop talking to myself when I just saw someone standing in front of me and was talking to me and when I just notice who he was.

I just remember, he is the so great and we'll known mother f*cker name Draco.

" So, you're the guy having a dark energy hah." Draco said and I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

( What is he talking about dark energy? )

( Man, he never changed.)

( F*ck him.)

( And did he just call me 'guy'?? )

( Is he playing the game 'I don't know you'?? )

( Man... F*ck you mother f*cker.)

" What are you talking about? " I said with my calm voice and I just then felt Yurinas hands at my back again.

( Man.. What Is she doing??? )

( This Pumpheaded... Why is she even hiding at my back?! )

" Nothing much, but I'd be glad if you and I, will have a battle after this." Draco said and so I just smiled to him.

( Yeah whatever you want.)

( I've been also wanted to defeat you anyway.)

( And I heard a lot about you, that everyone don't want to mess with hah. )

( Lets see about that.)

" It'll be an honor to fight with you." I said and just looked at him

" Great, I'll be waiting for you at the battlefield." Draco said and I just nodded, and when he started walking, I then turned around to see Yurina at my back.

" What are you doing? Why were you touching?  " I said and she just looked at me and give me that face what-did-I-do look.

" I was just.. Playing. " She said and just smiled to me.

( Man... Why is she doing this to me? )

" Stop playing and quit hiding at my back." I said and she just pouted in front of me.

( Gosh.. Why are you still a baby? )

( You are so cute.)

" No, I'll just hide on your back until this thing is over." She said and smiled to me and she then just suddenly hold my arm and I smile because of her weirdness today.

" But in the meantime, let me hold you like this, I don't want you to run away from me again." She said.

( F*ck..)

" Why would I run away from you?  " I said and looked at her and she just give me that expression of a seven year old girl again.

( Oh my ghad, pumpheaded!!!! )

" Let go, I'm not going to run away. " I said and was about to remove her hands on my arms when she just suddenly hold my other hand.

" Stop moving, and don't dare to remove my hands, I'll kill you if you do." she said and then looked away to the other side again.

( Man..)

( Why is she giving me this hard time...)

( I'm so glad that I don't have a sister...)

As I face my front again, suddenly Rikichi just whispered into my ears.

" You two looked like a couple, I'll support you if you court her." Rikichi said and so I stared at him and then looked to Yurina who was besides me and I then looked at Rikichi again and glared at him.

" What? I'm telling truth you know." Rikichi said and smile

" Shut up." I said and glared at him.

" Whatever, but if you fall for her, you need to give me that necklace that your ex girlfriend give to you years ago." Rikichi said and smile to me.

( Is he really obsessed with that necklace??? )

" Not gonna happen a*shole, and I ain't giving that necklace to you, its a very special item to me." I said and glared at him again.

" If you say so." Rikichi said and just wink at me and smile.

( Ugh.)

( Though, I just hope I won't bump to her.)

( She is a student from the Gazera, Institute Of The Arcane.)

And when she fall for Daimon and broke up with me, Daimon that mother f*cker than just broke up with her, that mother f*cker really knows how to play with girls.

But in the meantime, I also missed her so much, but I know she won't come back to me anymore, she has someone else now.

" The battle will start now, please proceed to the battle field. " The Counsil President said and when all the student walked outside the school and was heading to the battlefield, I then stop on my tracks when I felt Yurina wasn't holding to my arms again and so I looked at her.

" Whats wrong?  " I said and when I looked at her, she was already looking at me.

" Uhh... Haha." she said and smile.

( Huh? )

" Are you okay? " I said again.

" Uh.. Nothing." She said and just smile.

" You're not going to tell me? " I said while staring at her.

" You're making me worried. [sanaol worried]" I said and she just smiled.

" You two.. Really looks like a couple. " Takehito said and so I just glared at him.

" I told you, I was right." Rikichi said

" Shut up, come on lets all go, we need to find our sit, other students will be having a battle. " I said and I then grab little pumpheaded hands, but then I heard Rikichis voice again.

" I told you something is going on with this two. " He said and I just sighed.

( He won't stop talking about this.)

( Though.. I wonder what is she doing now.)

( I mean.. The girl I love before, and she Is still the one that I really love.)

( But... At the same time.. I am not so sure about my feelings for her anymore.)

But I just wish that I ain't going to bump into her, I don't actually want to see her, but at the same time.. I don't know.