Chapter 79


—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As we arrived at a huge—huge—huuugeeee school,

I then went outside the car and looked at their school with un-interested look written on my face.

( Gosh.)

( Such huge school for stupid students.)

( I mean. Demons.)

( Oops—my bad.)

( But.. I am bad, so... Sorry not sorry.)

" Are you going to be alright alone in here? You have no one to talked in here. I mean you will be alone. " Zenaku said as he looked at me, and I then give him a smile.

" I'm going to be alright, no need to worry." I said and he then smiled to me.

But then, I stop smiling when he grabbed some luggage and one red bag at the car.

( What is this? )

" What are this? " I said as I pointed out.

" Bag and luggage." Zenaku said

( Ugh...)

" Yeah, I know. But what exactly are this? " I said

" We'll, this is the Gazera School, they have dorms inside the school, you will be a temporary student in here that means, you will be staying In here for at least one month inside the school." Zenaku explained.

*Processing... *

*Processing... *

*Brain Can't Understand*

*Loading... *

*Loading... *

*Loading... *

*Brain Connection*

*Error! *

*Error! *

*Try Again*

*Please Try Again.*

*Please Wait*

*Brain Connecting*




(A/N : Sorry not sorry readers and writers.)

" Yurina??? " I heard Zenakus voice, I then blink my eyes two times and smiled.

" Oh, so are you saying you're not picking me up after school is over? " I said and looked at him.

" Yes." He said.

*Processing... *

( F*ck.)

( I'm stuck with stupid demons.)

" Now off you go, you should get inside now, you know that you are late, right?  " Zenaku said and smiled to me and so I just hugged him for the last time and he did the same thing.

" Come on, don't make me emotional too, you will be just gone for a month. " He said and so I let go and smiled to him again and after that he then went inside the car and so I waved goodbye.

( What a bummer.)

( Guess. I'm stuck with stupid demon after all.)

As I stepped the gate then suddenly opened, but of course, its not surprising at all, our schools gate is like that too, and I don't find it weird anymore.

Just to think of it, when I was little, I keep saying not to stand out, but now?

I love all the hates and attentions I get.

Because like what the song lyrics says,

I see it, I like it, I want it,


( I'm such—.)

" You must be the temporary student right? " I then looked to my left side and saw a small girl with pink hair and ribbon and was smiling at me.

( What does a small little girl doing in this school?? )

" How old are you? " I said as I looked at her and she then looked at me with her pink colored eyes.

" I am four hundred years old. *smiled* " she said and that made me jungshook.

( Wait... Its normal. They are demons so its pretty normal.)

" How old are you?  " she said and looked at me.

( Ahm...)

( Seven? )

( No.. But I have a teen body already.)

( And from what I saw from my reflection on the mirror.)

( I looked like fourteen or sixteen??????? )

( And like what Kitty or Zenaku said??? )

( I don't know I forgot who told me that but.)

( Like what they said, my body will stop growing when I turned eighteen.)

" I'm.. I'm... Ahm.. Sixteen?? " I said and smiled.

" Gosh you are so young, so you are still one hundred sixteen hah." She said and so I looked at her.

( W-what?! )

( I didn't say one hundred! )

" I'm so jelly, you're already this tall even if you are still one hundred sixteen!! While I am four hundred years old but stuck with this height and with no boobs!  " she complained.

( We'll at least you aren't like me.)

( I was seven years old but then turned to a teenage girl with teen body and boobs.)

" Come, I've been actually waiting for you for like a minute and hours, I'm your temporary dorm mate. " she said and dragged me.

As we were both walking and she keeps dragging me.

We both then stops when there was three girls blocking our way.

" Move aside. " she said and one of the girls with black filthy hair then looked at this small girl in front of me and grabbed her ponytail on her hair.

( Wow.)

( B*tchy like Mayumi.)

" Let go or I'll—." she said but she was cut off when the black hair girl slapped her face.

" How dare you." She said while I was just standing looking at them.

( She calls that a fight? )

( I think she slapped her wrongly.)

" I told you to come and see us yesterday, and how dare you did not show up! " Black hair girl said

( Geez.)

( She is making a scene with a four hundred year old girl.)

( We'll that looks sort of adorable.)

( I guess.)

This black hair girl in front of me and her friends then looked at me with their glaring eyes and I just stared at them and give them a what-look.

" What are you staring at hah b*tch?! " Black hair girl said and so I looked who's at my back but there was no one, so I point out myself.

" Yeah Im talking to you b*tch! No one else. " She said and placed her both hands on her hips.

( Hold. On.)

( Did she just calls me a b*tch? )

( Now, that is so cute.)

" Don't give me that angel look sweetheart, that look of yours won't stop us from hurting you if you won't run away now. " Black haired girl said.

( Is she giving me a warning? )

( Sorry, can't process that sh*t.)

" Do you want a death wish?  " I said as I looked at her in her eyes.

" You can hurt anyone you like bi-atch, but don't mess up with me and giving me some sh*t warning, if you planned to hurt me, " I said as I looked at her.

" I'll be glad and teach you properly of how to slapped someone perfectly." I said and looked at her eye to eye.