Chapter 98

[ Babysitting A Four Year Old Girl ]

—🕊Yoru Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

As we arrived at the house, my strawberry then just started jumping inside the car and she even stick her head on the window and licked it.

" Acha ehehehe Home! Home!! " she said while jumping on my lap.

" Shush! Strawberry stay still." I said and she then just pouted in front of me and crossed her arms on me.

" Hmmp! " I then sighed while looking at her.

When I opened the cars door, she then immediately jumped out and was running around.

" Yurina, quit running around you might fall down." I heard Zenaku says as he parked the car inside the garage.

I then went straight to the front door and opened it widely, and I then called her.

" Strawberry, Come here inside the house." I said and she then just stared at me and just laughed.

" Bleeeeehhhh!!! Eheheehhee." she said and then starts running around again.

( I've never questioned my job before.)

( But.. What am I going to do with her??? )


My brother then tapped my shoulder and so I just smiled at him.

" Yurina, stop playing for now, and come inside in the house, its time for you to eat your food." Zenaku said and she then looked at my brother and smiled.

" Okay." she said as she smiled, she then immediately run towards to my brother and holds his hand.

" Should I prepare your food little miss?  " my brother said as both of them walked inside the house and while I was still outside looking at them both.

( I should be a butler.)

( No, I mean.. My brother and I should be just a butler.)

( Not, a babysitter.)

( Though, it is still part of the butlers job.)

( To take a good care of a four year strawberry girl in the house.)

( Geez, I'm still not working, but I already feel exhausted.)

As I walked inside the kitchen, I then saw my strawberry sitting on top of the counter, while my brother is preparing a food for her.

" Okay, here you go." Zenaku said as he put the food in front of her.

" Fweed mee!.." she command and my brother then smiled and grabbed the plate and feed her, while I.. on the other hand, was just sitting on the chair looking at both of them.

" Delicious right?  " Zenaku said as he smiled at her and strawberries than turned to serious.

" Maybe, but it doesn't taste good enough, I think you should put a bit of salt in it." She said and I just laughed and then Zenaku tasted her food and my brother then agrees, but when he looked back to her.

My strawberries face was a bit funny.. but too cute to looked at, she looks angry looking at Zenaku.

" Why did you taste my food?!  " she complained.

" I—." Zenaku said but was cut off.

" T'was supposed to be mine!!!!! Why did you eat my food!!!? " she said and then started crying and I was just smiling looking at both of them, and laughing for my brother.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. I won't taste it anymore." My brother said and by that.. Strawberry just keep crying in front of him and I just laughed.

" No!!!! You eat my foodie!!! Its already dirty!!! Waaaahhh!!! I don't want to eat it anymore!!! " she said and I just laughed so hard watching my brother having a trouble of getting her to calm down.

" Why are you just sitting and laughing in there, you should helped me." He said so annoyedly and I just smiled and stood up, I then grabbed the plate on his hands and face my strawberry.

" Come on strawberry, don't be so picky, its not dirty, and you should eat your food, for that you will be healt—. " I said but she just then grabbed the spoon on the plate and throw it to the floor and cried.

" Look! Its dirty!!! Waaahhhhhh!!! " she said and cried again pointing the spoon on the floor.

( Oh.. My.. Ghad..)

( Is this why some demons hired a nanny? To take care of their little baby????!! )

( I think.. My brother and I.. Would be really stressed after this.)

" Please, strawberry.. Please eat your food, I'll get another spoon for you okay? " I said and she then crossed her arms with still tears on her cheeks.

" No!! I don't want to eat it anymore!!! I want chocolate!!! I want lollipop!!! I want food!!! " she shouted, my brother and I then just sighed.

" We can't give her any sweet foods, she just transformed as a demon, and its not been a few weeks, so giving her a sweet candy is not allowed for now. " Zenaku said and so I nodded.

" Strawberry.. You are still in your demon cycle, so giving you sweet candies or foods, is not allowed for you for now. " I said and she then looked at my brother and to me and she now even cried loudly.

" I want my chocolate!!! Waaahhhhhh!!!!! I want my lollipop!!!!!! I will call my mommy and daddy if you won't give me my chocolate and lollipop!!!! Waaaahhh!!!  " she said and so I just looked at my brother with my troubled faceband he just sighed.

( Oh my...)

( What are we going to do with you for the rest of the day??? )

" Yurina, please understand.. We can't give you any sweet foods, you'll get hyped up even more because you are in your demon cycle, and it'll be very hard for both of Yoru and I to take care of you, if we will give you swee—." Zenaku said

" I want my chocolate and lollipop!  " she said her teary eyes and my brother just sighed and looked at me.

" But we can't gi—. " I said and she cut me off.

" Now! I want my chocolate!!! I want! I want!!  " she said as she yelled.

( I'll never have kids with someone, if I'm gonna get married.)

( This is so stressful! )

" Please, no sweet foo—." I said and she just then cried loudly even more.

" WAAAAAAHHHH!!!! My chocolate!!!! Waaaaah!!  " she yelled and Mr.kityy then just come inside from the kitchen.