Two Ships

Aboard the 'Freedom' Mr Penny was busy barking orders like a rabid dog. He could not wait to be done with this Island. He was thanking his lucky stars that Raven had decided they would never return here again.

"Joshua! What are you doing man!" Mr Penny glared at him with honest to God confusion.

Joshua pulled his long, brown, wavy hair back behind his shoulders as he looked at Mr Penny. He was equally as confused. His brow furrowed into a knot as he looked over his work with the ropes. 

"I'm sorry Sir but I don't see a problem?" He was perplexed now. Unsure of what he had done to deserve the ire aimed at him.

"There's nothing wrong with the work! What's wrong is that shouldn't be the one doing it!" Mr Penny replied flabbergasted. "Or did you forget?"