The Hearts Of Man

Phillip sighed as he glanced back towards his mentors battle with the giant. They were not foolish enough to delude themselves into believing that Erik would have an easy time of it. Far from it. They expected that the battle would last quite a while and be highly intense.

He felt as though they had gotten the better end of the deal. The monsters they were hunting had not even bothered to attempt to cover their tracks. They were making following them an easy thing to achieve.

"What's up runt?" Tyler snarled at him. "Getting cold feet? Who could blame you? You've been getting your ass handed to you for the best part of a year."

Phillip refused to rise to the apparent bait that his senior was setting for him. Instead, he chose to focus his attention on the group of heroes that had followed them. Each one of them wore a look of determination upon their faces. Eager to catch up to their prey before they could escape.