Trick 2: The "Hornet of the night"

Above the city lights, a man wearing a red hooded scarf is standing at the edge of a rooftop.

"Someone help! Snatchers!" the woman in the alley cried.

Two men riding a motorcycle is about to make their escape. Both of them are wearing tainted Helmet to seal their faces.

a small metal rod fell from a roof and struck the front wheel of the motor cycle. The two guys were sent flying as the motorcycle flips over.

A man in red hood appeared from the other corner of the alley and stepped on the two men as he grabs the bag and tossed it back to the woman. The man proceeded to run up the wall and free run up the building to make a clear exit at the roof tops. All of this was done by the hooded man without loosing momentum.

Several buildings later, the hooded man was stopped by five people. All of them have a symbol of a cloud with a cross ebroidered on their clothing.

"We finally cought you... Hornet."

Said by the man with the symbol on his beanie. All the Hornet did was tilt head as if he is confused.

"Aaron, Suga, Hold Him off."

The man in Beanie ordered the men wearing a slim vest and Leather jacket with the same symbol. They both stretched their arms as they step forward.

"hey Aaron, I take the left you take the right." The man in leather Jacket smuggingly ordered his comrade.

The two ran with Aaron going for the first strike with a Jump kick. The Hornet leaned backwards to dodge the kick and grab Aaron's leg. He then hammer threw Aaron to Suga. They struck each other and fell on a Vent machine leaving it dented after impact.

Before the man in the beanie could give an order to the two women with him,The Hornet charged at him and kicked his face and used it as a jumping board to leap off the building.

The two women was shocked and was unable to respond to the hornet's fast escape. As the two girls check their comrades if they were okay, the Hornet disappeared into the city lights.


I woke up on the same dream like usual and prepared myself to go to school. On my way I saw genma and greeted him.

"Morning Gen." I greeted Gen with a monotone voice.

"Morning Mikeru. By the way are you also going to participate in the physical examinations?" Gen started a conversation as we walk to school.

"It's pretty troublesome." I said in a sighing tone.

"Well you know you can get a good impression to others if you participate. It would be good for your Social Adaptation program if that happens."

"You have a point there." I answered in agreement.

"If you're lucky you might be selected to be one of our class' Combatant." Gen said cheerfully.

"What is that even?" asked out of curiosity.

"So you didn't listen yesterday? Well I can't blame you it's hard focus with all those boring stuff. Anyway, Class Combatants are like sports athletes. The teacher said that there must be four CCs to be able to make it formal. if that happens then the whole class will get privileges such as Getting to watch their fights even during classes. CCs are to be drafted by class to see who will participate in the regionals and even nationals."

"Kinda like those old battle academy manga?" I Jested.

"You read those too?"

With bright Eyes Gen started talking about the genre. I really hope I can escape this but we are in the same class so I expect this to continue until the classes starts. I can confirm that my first friend is an Otaku.


"We are starting the physical examinations. All of you change into your gym uniforms and pair up! I will see you all in the field to begin the tests." the gym teacher enthusiasticly ordered.

After Changing I looked for Gen at the field.

"Hey Gen since you came up with this pair up with me." I told gen with a troubled face.

"Sorry Mikeru I already have Remi as my partner."

A short girl behind Gen gave me a greeting smile. And with that, I have no one to pair up with. Or so I thought. I Girl a little shorter than me wears the same troubled face. I gathered some "courage" to talk to her.

"I'm sorry bother you. I'm Mikeru I assumed you don't have a pair so I was wondering if I could be your pair for the exams."

"Misaki Naoshi, I don't have one. So anyway I suggest you remove that eye patch of yours since it doesn't make you any cooler. You just look weird." Misaki criticized my eye patch.

"Nice to meet you Naoshi-san. Well it sounded rude but I suppose that you didn't know that I am almost blind in the left eye. Its bothersome to have light hitting it as it offs my perspective."

"Then maybe that's why you were orphaned. Anyway, lets go they are already starting."

I was shocked by her consistent rude attitude but proceeded to pair up with her since I got no other choice. Maybe she is just shy. I left my curiosity about her rudeness fly by and turned it into a competition.

In every activity I get Up her score to mock her. It's easy since I have a well trained physique from my days in AGE and my intimidation works like a charm. she frequently clicks her tounge every time she measures my activities.

"Once you're done with your measurements, proceed to the gym if you want to take the Combatant qualification exam." the Teacher smuggingly shouted.

"Hey Mikeru, You gonna take that Combatant exam?" asked Gen sweating from the exams.

"I don't know..."

"We are." Misaki interrupted.

"Since not many in our class is taking it, I will be your opponent." Misaki provoked with her annoyed voice before she walks away.

"What's her problem?" Gen asked.

"Looks like my intimidation worked like a charm." I said followed by a grinning sigh.

"Misaki isn't really a social type of person. But she is a kind one so don't be so harsh on her" said by Gen's Gym partner.

"Ahh she is Remi Shigumi." Gen introduced her while blushing.

"Mikeru... No need to be formal with me."

"Nice to meet you Mikyun~! Good luck we will be watching!" she spoke in a Moe voice.

Now I know why They are close. They're both Otaku. I guess birds of the same feather flocks together. But what bothers me the most is that she already gave me a weird nickname. I will choose my words next time. That one kinda back fired on me.

"Mikeru Gebara! Proceed to the gym and pick your training weapon you slowpoke!" The teacher called out to me.