Trick 4: determined Eyes

Remi Raised her hand to interrupt our Discussion. It was perfectly timed right before I say the name in the data sheet I was reading. She secretly gave a thumbs up as she stood up. Is she going to volunteer? Or is she saying she will handle the situation for me?

"Umm... If I may interrupt ma'am, I would like to recommend Genma to fill in the position that Gebara-san is proposing." Remi then turned to Genma and gave her the thumbs up as if she is saying "I did it for you no problem!" to him.

Genma started to sweat hard with all the pressure Remi put him into. He quickly stood up with weak knees.

"P..Please... Let me... think over it... until tomorrow..." Stuttering in his words then sat down slowly while slightly trembling.

"Very well then. I suppose we can postpone this until tomorrow. Go back to your seat. I will discuss this later with the faculty to see if they would agree to this. However, If they said that he still needs to take an exam then Mikeru will be responsible for his test." Claire-sensei sorted out and wrapped the discussion.

"No objections with that." I said as I walk to my seat.

Genma gave me a troubled look and I smiled back at him.

The classes started with the delay due to the discussion.


"MIKERU! Please tell me that you had someone else to recommend and convince him in place of me!" Genma begged.

"Funny enough, It was you who I was going to recommend." then gave him a smile.

"LIAR! You're just picking up on me weren't you?!" He accused.

Remi came to our seat with her cheerful smile on her face. Her Red hair Swaying as she hops towards us.

"Gen-kyun~! Good luck on your qualifications! Make him look cool Mikyun!" Remi said in a moe voice.

"But I will fail hard if I did!" Genma whines.

"Look at you! Isn't it every Otaku's dream to be part of a group that would shine and look cool. I mean look at Mikeru he took his eighth grade syndrome to highschool wearing an Eye patch all the time! He looks like a guy who hides his emperor's eye which makes people bend to his will upon looking at him!" Remi ran her otaku mouth to cheer and encourage Genma.

"Sorry to say I don't have an eighth grade syndrome. I just had to wear this for convenience." I responded to Remi after describing me in her words.

"Ehh? I also thought you had an eighth grade syndrome with all the anime talk we had yesterday." Genma was shocked.

I removed my eye patch to reveal my blinded eye.

"As you can see I am blind on the left eye. It happened before I entered AGE. I do watched some anime to entertain myself but thats all there is to it."

"I'm sorry for judging!" both of them bowed and apologized.

"No hard feelings. I know its going to be hard for you to go in a real fighting senario so if you're going to take the exam so I came up with a good all purpose strategy we can use."

"Since every one is pushing me to do it. Don't blame me if I messed up." Genma said lacking in confidence.

"All you need to do is throw at the target or hope that they exempt you." I reassured.

"You're making it sound easy! Well I guess I'll try..." Genma then sighed.

"I will be cheering you on Genkyun~!" Remi with her Moe voice.

"Hey Kosaru! I got a favor to ask." I then turned to Kosaru.

"Yo Mike! depends." Kosaru replied.

"If Genma is going to take the exams then I want you to spar against us two on one."

"Eyy man I can't even win against you!"

"well all you have to do is attack and dodge. I will be solely on the defensive."

"Well if you put it that way. Don't complain if I break your bones man." kosaru said with a sigh of relief.

"No need to worry about me. You said it yourself, we're gonna make a good team."

Kosaru's eyes was suddenly filled with determination. He slapped Genma's back before returning to his seat.

Misaki just secretly stared at us from her seat.

"How pointless....."


The next day, Genma informed Claire-sensei that he would join the class combatants team. Sadly, he still need to demonstrate his abilities.

Genma Walked to me with a gloomy look.

"Im going to have an exam. Sensei said to prepare and we will do it during home room." Genma with his monotone voice.

"Just throw." I pat Genma to cheer him up.


Me, Genma and Kosaru are on the flatform. We are all standing near the edges. Genma is at my back while Kosaru is alone and has five balloons strapped on different parts of his body.

"Yo Mikeru ain't allowed to pop these babies!" Genma shouted.

"Kosaru Vs Mikeru and Genma... Mikeru and Genma will win if the balloons are popped and Mikeru is not allowed to attack the balloons in any way. Kosaru will win If he neutralized Mikeru before all the balloons are popped... BEGIN!" Claire-sensei initiated the match.

Cheers from our classmates began to roar as Kosaru Charges at me thrusting his staff. At the same, time Genma threw a practice knife and hits the balloon on Kosaru's right arm. Kosaru then Proceeded with a flurry of attack demonstrating agility and speed.

Genma threw four dull knives before hitting the balloon on Kosaru's left arm. Kosaru only has balloons on both legs and above his head left.

Genma ran around trying to get a good angle to pop the ones on the legs. His eyes burning in determination. But, Kosaru is using me as an obstacle while I deflect his attacks from all directions.

I Jumped High backwards to take footing but Kosaru didn't let me. Genma quickly read my movements and took advantage of the opportunity while I was in a safe distance. He threw two dull knives and popped the two balloons with such precision. Be it luck or skill he did popped the balloons.

Kosaru became more agile and my arms is beginning to give up.

"Looks like I'm winning!" Kosaru Boasted as he follows my movements with his strikes.

I led Kosaru in the corner and I continued blocking.

"Genma at my signal! Aim for my head!" I told Genma while catching my breath.

Our classmates became wary of the situation. they are saying "has he gone crazy?" and "what is he going to do with it?"

"YOU CAN DO IT GENKYUN~!" Remi shouted.

Genma Became more focused on waiting for my signal and went on the corner of the other side of the flatform. It's like he knew what to do.

"Just throw Genma... Just throw..." Genma said to himself while controlling his breathing.

"I don't know what you're planning man but this is over!" Kosaru charged his crushing swing.

Right before Kosaru Swings, I Snapped my finger and quickly dashed towards Genma. Genma threw a Dull knife aiming for my forehead. I blocked it and it ricocheted to the last balloon above Kosaru's head.

A few seconds of silence were broken by the loud cheers of both our classmates and some students taking a break from their activities. We then realized that that fight took us thirty minutes which is impossible for an average man to last without taking any breaks.