Trick 7: The Arsenal

Everyone followed me to the end of the hallway pass Satoshi's room. In front of us is a door locked with retinal and Fingerprint scanner.

"Ya sure it's alright for us to enter this heavily locked door?" Kosaru asked.

"No need to worry about the details." I responded.

The door opened revealing an office decorated with trophies and a sword behind a glass.

"This is... The Echoes..." Misaki stared and identified the sword.

"Echoes?..." Remi asked with her arms crossed as if she is cold.

"Yes... This sword is the Poltergeist's signature weapon. It releases small waves of sound jamming communication devices. So he really is the Poltergeist..." Misaki's eyes widened.

"This way." I told them while opening a Iron door that doesn't fit with the theme of the room.

I waited for everyone to enter before I turned on the Power switch.

"Welcome to my workshop."

The lights dramatically open one by one. Weapons hung on the wall, custom-made combatant suits worn by mannequins, and unfinished projects and Tools on the workbench.

"Wow! This is like an action anime hideout!" Genma was surprised.

"I can definitely do a cosplay photo shoot here!" said by Remi with her thight chest being relieved by the room.

"Ey Mikeru! You said "Your workshop" right? does that mean you... you made all these?" Kosaru asked.

"Yeah pretty much... I just came up with ideas and make them. If you fancy anything then tell me and we'll tune it." I offered to them.

"Just how did you came up making these?" Misaki doubted me.

"I am an AGE student remember? I pretty much got the glimpse of every engineering and techie stuff. I didn't slack off as you might assume." I boasted with a proud tone.

"So Mikeru you got any Staff man?"

"Yeah they are on that drawer." I pointed at the small drawer.

"I don't think you get me bro..." Kosaru sighed.

"Just pull it."

Kosaru pulled a drawer and inside are bunch of small cylindrical shaped objects about one and a half feet long. Kosaru took one and noticed its heavy weight.

"Yo how do I open this? This is a staff right?"

"Just twist it and it will pop open."

Kosaru did what I said and the cylinder turned into a staff. He tried it out by swinging it at the dummie at the corner of the room.

"Oi Oi! Mikeru this is the best! What's it called?" Kosaru asked in excitement.

"It was suppose to replicate The Monkey King's golden needle from the story Journey to the west." I told Kosaru the idea behind it.

"Then We call this the Silver needle! Its silver looking already." Kosaru blessed the portable staffs.

"You can take them all if you decided to use them as spears. They don't come back after you throw them." I generously gave all the portable staffs to Kosaru since I dont plan on using them at all.

"So what's the gimmick behind this katana?" Misaki looked at the Katana mounted on the wall.

"That's the sakura straight. Although its as sharp as a real katana I have a replacement blade that complies with the guidelines. The blade can absorb electricity through the blades and light through the sakura shaped panels. It has a built-in battery that can fire the heat beam at the back of the sword." I explained.

"So it's for deflecting stun bolts and energy type weapons and can go for a quick melting slashes. I don't know if I will use the heat thing but it's the only katana you have so I'll use this. I like the name too." Misaki complimented my work with a little criticism.

"It's hard to choose..." Genma is looking left and right for a weapon that he could use.

I took out a case underneath the work bench and placed it on the table in front of Genma. Inside is a belt shroud with a lot of throwing knives of various purposes.

"This is inspired by the Batman's Utility belt. It has wide variety of throwables from stun knives to capture nets. We can just remove the lethal knives and add more utility ones to make it qualified."

Genma Stared at the belt with glittering eyes. Meanwhile, Remi felt left out. I pulled another case underneath the workbench and presented it to Remi.

"I know you're not fight with us on the front but it won't hurt to have a mascot cheering at us. So here." I opened the case and revealed a headset with eye shield and cat ears.

"Oaaahhh! What is it? What is it? What does it do?!" Remi's eye went from gloomy to sparkling upon seeing the headset.

"This is what I call the Idol master. It comes with these customizable drone speakers and these bracelets. these are holographic projectors that can change your looks in any way you want." I explained to Remi how it works.

"You mean.... I can become a Vocaloid?!" Remi was enthusiastic.

"Its up to you. Now then, lets come up with designs for our combat suits so I can start with them. But for now, lets wrap this up. You can take those home with you. Those are yours now. It's going to be a long night for me because I haven't started my report yet." I made them dismiss.

"Remi let me take you home!" Genma offered Remi.

"Okay~! I can't wait to test this out! thanks Mikyun~!"

Kosaru looked at Misaki.

"Don't even think about asking me to have you escort me. I live a few blocks away." Misaki then turns around and went outside first.

I waited for them to exit the room. I looked at the photo on the desk at the office room before closing the door.


On the road Misaki is walking alone. She took out her new blade and slightly unsheathed it revealing a metalic gray with pink cherry blossom design.

"So he is the Poltergeist's brother...."

She sheaths back her blade and continued walking.