
Chapter 4

Alex and Emily arrived to their secret place for the weekend. Emily lays her head onto his shoulder as she rests for a bit. Alex carries her inside and put her to bed. He goes out to stop the car.

Emily wakes up from her nap and looks around the room. She checks the time on her phone and it's only 7:15. She saw Alex stopped the car before she decided to help.

"Okay, sorry I didn't stop the car. Don't want it to crash." Alex said as he opens the trunk.

"It's alright, babe." Emily said as she helps unload the groceries. "So, I bought all of your favorites, and I thought we can cuddle up in bed and watch a movie together."

After they finish unloading the groceries. They cuddle up in bed and watch a movie on TV. Emily grabs some of Alex's favorites and make some popcorn. After that, she walks to their room and watch a movie.

"I love you, puppy." Emily said as she smiles.

"I love you too, baby." Alex said as he smiles back.

The next day, Alex has difficulty starting the lawnmower and inadvertently launches it into the air, tossing it more than 100 ft (30 m) away.

"The fuck." Alex said in shocked.

Emily saw what he did in shocked. "Alex, what happened?" She asked in shocked.

"I don't know. I had trouble starting the lawnmower and it flew miles away." Alex answers and explains to Emily.

He approaches it, as it is overturned and still running. Curious about his newfound abilities, Alex stops the motorized blade with his hand.

"Weird." Alex said in shocked.

Emily sits in the living room, watching TV. She has her cozy blanket around her. Alex walks in to join her.

"Alright, puppy?" Emily asked as she lay on Alex's shoulder.

"Yeah, stupid lawnmower." Alex answers.

"Broken?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. I really have to get a new one." Alex answers as they watch TV.

At night, Alex and Emily decided to go out for dinner in a nice fancy restaurant where she recommended. They're currently waiting for their food they ordered.

"You okay?" Emily asked as she smiles.

"Yeah, Can't believe you and I are going to NYU." Alex said as Emily smiles.

"Yeah, sharing a dorm together." Emily said as she smiles. "I'm going to major in drama where I can continue being an actress. What about you?"

"Arts." Alex answers. "I draw my artwork. Do you have plans after college?"

"Yeah, I want you to marry me, have a baby and spend our lives together." Emily answers that she wants to marry Alex after college. "You?"

"I want to start an animation studio. Where we can treat people as family." Alex answers as he explains his dream to start an animation studio.

Emily smiles. She's very supportive of his dream of being an artist. She bit her lip in hesitation but with quick judgement grabbed your jacket edge, bringing hin down to kiss her.

Alex eagerly returned the kiss, placing his hands on her hips as she moved her arms around his neck.

One morning, Alex and Emily are packing up to return home. While they're on their way home, the car accidentally hits the tree, breaking the window.

"Oh boy." Alex said in nervous. "My dad is going to kill me."

"Alex, it's okay." Emily said in forgiveness. "It's only an accident. We can tell our parents. They'll understand."

"I hope so." Alex said as they continue drive home.

When they arrived home, they told their parents about the car accident. Joesph, however is not happy.

"The only reason Emily is in this mess is because of you. You may love her, it doesn't mean you're good enough for her. This relationship is over." Joesph said in anger as he grabs Emily. "Let's go."

Alex walked inside of the house in anger as Ken walked behind him. "You knew this?!" He asked in anger.

"Come on, son. You're not good enough for her, and she's too good for you." Ken said.

Elizabeth walked into the kitchen in confused. "What on earth is going on?" she asked.

"He, and Joesph want to end mine and Emily's relationship." Alex answers in anger.

"I'm just saying that he's not good enough for Emily." Ken said to Elizabeth.

Alex walks upstairs to his room and kick his desk in anger. He makes a fist as his fist started a fire.

"They will all pay!"