The Plan

Zoey POV

I woke up in the modern world in a panic, the last thing that I remembered was seeing Luke's face; as he desperately tried to reach me. Also the fact that Kaya woke me up by pouring water on my face because I was coughing too loudly in my sleep. It was still the middle of the night in this world, and when Kaya doesn't get a proper amount of sleep she gets really cranky. Especially since we are sharing a room; I would rather have her on my good side. It was also strange that I could feel pain on the back of my head, wait pain??? That's right I was hit in the back of the head in the other world!!! I have to get back some how!!! Since it was still night I tried going back to sleep. When I woke up I was still in the modern world. I didn't have a dream as well. My mind was just blank; it was like I was surrounded by an empty darkness. It worried me knowing that I wasn't able to get back to the other world, but there was no one I could tell in this world since nobody would believe me. I just hope everyone is doing okay there.

Kaden POV

While I was getting supplies for the long trip ahead. I see Luke coming out of the woods with Joseph on his back. Then I realized that Zoey was no where to be found, and Joseph was knocked out.


Luke: s-she... w-was... taken...

All I've seen after that was Luke falling to the ground. what could have happened to them?, and who exactly took the princess? it just doesn't make sense. we are far enough out that the people in this area wouldn't recognize us. Although I had many questions, I first need to take Joseph and Luke back to the cabin without using my magic.

Joseph POV

My head was pounding as I slowly started to open my eyes. The last thing that I remember was me trying to save my sister, then things went black. wait... my sister... Zoey! where is she??? I can't sense her anywhere near my body. that was when I got up in a fright. I wasn't at the lake anymore, not only that but I was in the cabin on the bed----

Joseph: AHHHHHHH!!! why was I sleeping in the same bed as Luke.

Kaden: SHHHHHH!!! you are going to wake up Luke.

Joseph: w-what happened??? where is Zoey???

Kaden: before I explain anything, please get some rest and heal then we can talk.

as desperate that I was to figure out where Zoey went. I knew that it would be better to wait till Kaden was done using his healing magic on me. After about 30 minutes Kaden healed both Luke and I, not to mention that Luke was now up.

Kaden: ok now let's talk... What exactly happened while you were gone???

Luke explained everything. Including the fact that when he came to that Zoey was gone, not only that but we had no clue where they took her or if she was safe.

Joseph: We need to come up with a plan quickly!!! If they find out that she is the Princess of Iralia she could be in mortal danger.

Kaden: he's right... Luke is there any bandit hideouts in the area???

Luke: Now that I thinkabout it there are three in the surrounding area. but how are we supposed to know which one she is at?

Kaden: since there is three of us, we should each go to one of the hideouts. I have 6 teleportation crystals made we each get 2, and here is the rest of the plan...

Joseph: Are you sure this is going to work it sounds crazy?!?!?

Luke: this sounds way too risky!!!

Kaden: it's the best plan we got.

Joseph: fine let's go get my sister back.