Chapter 3- I Plead Guilty

Due to lawsuit in full action, Rizi was having hard time gathering evidence, convincing people to speak in support of her.

She tried reaching out to many people who knew she was innocent but no one came forward to support her. She reached out to her maternal grandfather but failed. She tried to reach out few of her acquaintances but was not able to get timely support. Zain had trapped her from everywhere.

She denied all accusations but there was no proof.

No support.

No alibi.

Now she realized that all those emails that Zain has asked her to send; were part of his planned conspiracy. He was slowly luring her into his trap to completely blocked her way out of this lawsuit.

If she won't be able to prove her innocence, she will have to pay a heavy fine or go to prison for 2-3 years. Her family was bankrupt and she has no financial support. She lost everything. Now she was scared and hurt.

Zain Bennetti provided all shreds of evidence to the courts.

She saw all those papers and smiled bitterly

"Zain Bennetti, to get back to my father, you laid this trap to set me up? You deliberately asked me to send those emails to trap and to push me to the deep end to the point of no return."

"But I will get a lawyer. I will fight back this damn case and I will prove my innocence." She was not part of the issue that happened in the older generation.

Why she has to suffer!

She was not even aware of any fued between D'Souza's and Bennetti's few days ago.

"Che Bello! If you want to file appeal then go ahead. I will see to it next week. Now, if you will excuse me I have to go and prepare for my engagement. My fiancee must be waiting for me."

Rizi was shocked to the core. "What did you say? Your engagement? Your fiancee?"

"Non te la prendere! You know my fiancee very well. There will be an offical announcement soon for my and Susanna's engagement."

Her voice trembled. "How can you do this to me?"

Zain shook his head "Can I get you an invitation?" Rizi took two steps back. "You know she is my cousin and my closest friend. How can you marry her?"

"Do I have to seek your permission on whom I can marry or not?"

Right she was never important to him. She had loved him with all her heart but to him, she was just a tool for revenge. He was playing her all along and must be having fun laughing at her foolishness. So Susanna Cruz was also an ally. She was feeling disgusted with herself. They both must be laughing and mocking her for being so stupid all these years.

Rizi's phone rang. It was from the hospital. "Ms. D'Souza, We have bad news. The patient went into extreme shock today after meeting a visitor and had heart failure. We tried first-aid but there are no vital signs. We tried our best. But not able to do anything further. We are sorry for your loss".

She understood, Zain must have delivered video to her father and forced him to watch. Heartless monster! There was a brief fluctuation of emotions in her eye but she quickly recovered. Zain observed. She calmly hung the phone as it was like it was a normal marketing/advertisement call and walk past Zain towards the exit.

Two days later in court:

Rizi was standing on the dock like a soulless body.

She was quiet and was listening to the judge's statements.

All shreds of evidence were presented in court by Zain. She was charged guilty with imprisonment of 3 years or a penalty of 25 million USD. She dint had any financial support so her only option was to accept imprisonment.

She looked at Zain. Her eyes were void of any emotion.

no pain...

no tears...

no fear...

no hurt...

"I am sorry for what happened to your parents. My father is now dead like them, although his death cannot wash his sins. But as his daughter, I don't believe he can do something like that. But I cannot do anything right now. I want to blame you for lying to me but I know it's doesn't matter anymore. You have blurred the lines between good and bad. I hope you have avenged your deceased parents now and may you find peace within. Although this relationship was not important to you, but it was everything for me. Three years of my life I have wasted on someone like you. I need a proper closure to keep my last bit of sanity in check."

She took a deep shaky breath and uttered in broken yet calm voice.

"So from now on, WE ARE OVER."

"These past 5 years I have never met or known you. Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you both a very happy married life."

Then she turned to the judge and spoke.

"I plead guilty."