Chapter 6- Glimmer of Hope

Rizi was stunned.

She blinked her eyes a couple of times to check if the figure in front of her will disappear or not.

Slowly, her expression elated. Edges of her lips curled up. She rushed towards the figure opening her arms but halted all of sudden.

Her expression shifted. She realized where she was, what she was wearing, what's her current situation. Jason has never seen her like this. A noble lady turned to a brazen looking prisoner.

She took a step back maintaining some distance between them.

Jason observed changes in her expression. It shifted from stunned, happiness, realization, guilt, embarrassment, sorrow.

His heart ached seeing her so helpless and broken.

He took a step forward closing their distance and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Zi... It's ok. Everything will be fine. I am here."

Rizi choked. Her chest tightened. Her lips quiver. Tears welled up in her eyes. Emotions that she had bottled up deep inside her heart burst out flowing from her eyes.

She slowly lifted her hand and returned his hug tighly.

She was grateful that Jason came for her even after all these years. A tiny glimmer of hope rose in her heart. For the first time in 10 weeks, she felt she is not alone. Feeling of being cared brought much needed warmth to her cold heart. Pregnancy hormones had made her more sensitive.

Jason and Rizi were childhood friends. Their parents were close friends and both families shared a harmonious relationship.

Jason was 3 years older than Rizi. They came from very different walks of life but the minute they discovered common hobbies, the common passion they struck a note of camaraderie.

While growing up, they both were partner in crime and had each other's back.

Jason's mother used to joke about taking Rizi as her daughter in law. Rizi used to shrug it off as she never felt that way for Jason. Moreover she dint want to ruin what they had. A Pure friendship!

But for Jason it was different. He has adored and liked Rizi since his teenage years. But he was scared to confess or rather afraid of ruining what they already had. He was waiting for the perfect time to confess his feelings to Rizi. He wanted her to complete her studies as she was very determined, ambitious and career-oriented.

Everything was going well but 5 years back when Rizi was in the final year of her college completing a Masters in Business Administration, Zain Bennetti entered their life like a storm.

Rizi and Zain hit it off instantly and they declared their relationship quickly. It was difficult for Jason to accept the fact that Rizi loves someone else. But he was not some possessive,envious control freak to trample on his best friend's happiness.

He saw how much Zain meant to her and he realized it's time to let go.

To move on with his life, he migrated to States to help expand his father's business over there.

He thought its good decision for both Rizi and him.

2 months back, He was enjoying vacation on his private island away from all hustle bustle of work life. His assistant was instructed not to disturb him unless Pereira Enterprise is about to go bankrupt. He needed a break.

After coming back from vacation, he came to know about Rizi's case and how she was convicted in embezzlement by Bennetti Groups and sent to Prison.

He instantly made arrangements to fly back to B country but his father met with an accident in States and he has to put his travel plans on hold.

He came back to the Country last week and applied for visitation but the procedure took longer than expected. His lawyer has to pull some strings so that he can visit Rizi face to face rather than in an enclosed area behind the glass.

His heart sunk holding her trembling figure. Hugging her, he felt a bit relaxed. Hearing her muffled cry he tightened his hold and spoke in soft voice "Zi, don't cry. Am here now. Will fight this together."

Rizi took deep breath and calmed herself. She knew visitation time was running out and she should not waste it anymore.

Seeing her body relaxed, Jason released her from his hold and wiped tear stains from her cheeks. Both sat on the chairs, opposite to each other. Jason held her hand.

"Why didn't you reach out to me or call me? Look at you. How are you? Are you eating well? Are they abusing you in there?"

"I.. I am sorry. I don't know. Everything happened so fast. One after another that I was having a hard time accepting all these. and Yes I am good."

"Tell me what happened."

Rizi took a deep breath explained to him everything about Zain's revenge, adult, father's death, bankruptcy, embezzlement, and prison except that video cam and unfateful night.

Jason was listening attentively. His eyes turned dark and he clenched his jaw. He snapped "Rizi D'Souza. You fucking idiot! I never consider you to be such a big fool. Your love for him made you so blind that you were not able to see past his facade. You wasted so many years loving a jerk like him who doesnt even deserve an ounce of it. And Why the hell you dint fight back in the court. That motherf*cking a**hole. I will kill him."

Rizi shook her head. "Because I was weak. I got so broken that I was not able to think anything else. I felt I owed him J. Because of my father but now it's enough. I never owe anything to anyone!"

Rizi took a deep breath of hesitation and tried not to cry.

"I have one more thing to tell you."

Jason nodded attentively.

"I am pregnant."

Jason was shocked. With plea in her eyes, she spoke " I am pregnant. Please help me figure out how to get out of this mess. Also, I don't anyone to find out about my pregnancy. "

Jason took a moment to absorb this shocking information. He cleared his throat.

"Zain Bennetti's child? "

Rizi nodded.

"Why don't you abort it?"

"I cannot. It's a life J. In this life I won't be able to trust or love anyone else. I lost myself but this baby became my hope for living and fighting. I gathered myself for him. I cannot lose my sole purpose of living. Please help me, Jason. You are the last hope for us. Our blessing in disguise."

Jason knew she is deeply hurt and she needs time to mend her broken self.

Getting pregnant has actually added more misery and drained her emotionally.

"Don't worry... I will help you. We will fight this together."