Chapter 8- I am Sorry Dad

Rizi was silent throughout the drive. 

She looked intently out of the window. 

The road, the surrounding scenery everything feels new after so many months.

The car slowly entered a luxurious residential area and halt in front of a big iron gate. 

Jason removed his aviator sunglasses to get his Retina scanned and the gate opened automatically.

Security and privacy were the most important attributes that made Trinity Residence the most preferable place to stay among the Elites.

The car passed through beautiful road covered with rows of trees on both the side.

At the end of the road, Car halted in front of the beautiful Villa. 

A beautiful 3 storey white private villa landscaped with natural grass garden surrounded by numerous fruit trees, berries, and flowers. The right side of the villa covered with a beautiful big pool, a summer kitchen with a small fridge, a barbeque setup, sink, Patio with garden furniture. 

The left side designed as a covered parking space available for several cars.

Rizi felt nostalgic.

She remembered her visits to Pereira's with her parents.

She and Jason used to study, play, and swim here. Both families always had one barbeque weekend planned in a month.

Taking a glance at everything, RIzi sighed. Everything still looks the same. 

Entering the house, classic European themed interior welcomes them.

Butler came, greeted them and took their luggage.

"Zi, you okay? Are you feeling tired?" Jason asked with concern in his eyes.

Rizi nodded. She was bit tired due to pregnancy but she was happy, relieved, and relaxed.

"Then let me show your room, do you want to have lunch first or want to go freshen?" Jason understood how conflicted Rizi must be feeling today.

She must be relaxed but tired as well after so many months of struggle.

His heart went out for her witnesing her struggles and pain. Such a fragile being. 

Just then, Sara's stomach growled loudly, and she stared down in embarrassment. Both Jason and Rizi laughed. 

"Cmon let's first feed the hungry monster in there." Rizi teased playfully poking finger at Sara's stomach. 

Sara ears turned red like a tomato. Feeling embarrassed, she covered her stomach and gave an awkward smile.

All three went towards the dining room. Housekeeper Rima has prepared delicious lunch for them. 

Seeing flavourful presentation on the dining table which includes her favorite dishes; Rizi felt tempted. 

Beef Brasato with pappardelle and mint

Sicilian style swordfish

braised chicken all'Arrabbitata

Potato Gnocchi with garlic butter and mushrooms. 

Jason was amused to see both Sara and Rizi digging in the food like bunch of school kids. there was no sign of nobility and elegance. He laughed inwardly and took a piece of fish and started eating elegantly.

After a scrumptious meal,  Sara bid goodbye. Rizi accompanied Jason in his study. 

"Did you arrange everything?" asked Rizi while trying to sit on the chair.

Jason helped her to adjust her sitting position and placed a pillow at her back.

He went to the other side of a large mahogany desk and sat on a custom made leather chair. 

one elbow rested on side of the chair and another hand leisurely holding a coffee mug. 

"Yes, Zi... It's all set. We are leaving tomorrow for Springrock City. We cannot go out of the country due to court orders. But, it's a beautiful place. You will love it. I have a mountain facing villa over there. I have arranged for butler and housekeeper as well. Also, the rest of the thing that you asked. It's almost ready. but Zi, are you sure about this?"

"Yes J. Thank you so much, J. I promise I will pay you back once I am back on my foot. I want to investigate what happened with elder Bennetti's. Also how they know each other. I want answers, the truth and I want revenge."

Jason sighed. "Well.. you sure are stubborn and willful. Anyways, if you want to pay me back then make me the godfather of your baby." 

Rizi smiled and caressed her belly "You don't have to ask for that. You already are the godfather of my baby and Sara is already a godmother."

Jason rolled his eyes. "First part I like it. The second one i am not sure. "

Rizi shrugged him off. After contemplating for a while she suddenly asked "J, I want to visit my father's grave."

Jason agreed. "You go rest first and I will arrange a visit in the evening. I have to go out for an urgent meeting and I will be back to pick you up in the evening Okay?"

Rizi stood up and gave Jason a side hug. "Wow you are getting bigger day by day". He playfully commented.

Rizi pouted and hit him on his chest. Jason smiled and patted her head. After bidding goodbye, Rizi went to her room. Lying on the comfortable mattress, she instantly slumbered to the sleep. 

At graveyard:

Standing in front of her father's grave in the cemetery, Rizi's lips quivered and tears start flowing.

'In memory of Mr. Andrew D'Souza.

A loving husband and a best father.'

She placed a bunch of white lilies and Orchids on her father's grave.

Jason stood at some distance giving her some alone time.

"Dad, we brought you your favorite flowers. Me and your grandson."

She felt silent. She remembered the day Zain forced himself and made that video. Moreover, he sent it to her father. Heartless thing to do!

Her baby was not conceived lovingly. But that doesn't matter anymore. She considered him a gift of life. Her baby gave her new life and saved her from the depth of abyss. He gave her the reason to stand up and fight back. 

"I am sorry Dad. I am sorry. It was all my fault. My ignorance, my foolishness has cost you everything. I can't apologize enough for this Dad. Hope you will forgive me. I was not able to give you a proper funeral that you deserve. I am ashamed of myself." She started bawling.

"Dad, I wish you were still here with me. Everything hurts. I don't believe whatever Zain accused you of. I still love you Dad.  You are my hero and you will always be my hero. How can I not? You were the one you taught me how to be kind, how to help others. I don't believe you will hurt someone or moreover going to the extent of hiring assassinations to kill someone."

Wiping tears from her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, she clutched her hands in a fist and looked towards the sky. 

"I will find out the truth Dad. I will make all of them pay for their henoius deeds. I don't care how long or what means it takes. I will destroy them all." 

Jason came near and pulled her trembling figure into his embrace. "There, there... Cry as much as you want. But there shouldn't be any more tears related to that fucking bastard anymore. You are a fighter Zi. Let's bring this baby into this world and then prepare to kick some ass."

Rizi hugged him back. Heaven knows how grateful she is for sending Jason to her aid.