Chapter 13- Zi, you're something!

Rizi's life was peaceful.

She was bathing Leo before bedtime.

Leo was usually like a mature little adult who handled everything on his own, but in front of his mama, he acts like a weak little child who knows nothing and wants cuddles & pampers from his mama dearest.

"Mommy, will the teacher like my new drawing?" Leo asked playfully blowing the foam from his palms. He looked at his mother, who was helping him wash the soapy foam.

Leo usually drew anime characters on his own and he customize it up with superheroes like superman, spider-man, batman.

This was one of his many talents. He was an exceptional kid compared to the other kid of his age group with computers and anime/cartoon drawing.

"She will love it because it's my precious baby's work."

Rizi gently rubbed soapy foam on his face in circular motion. Leo grinned and agreed on to his mama's praise.

Rizi couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head at her little panda's confidence.

She couldn't resist kissing him on the cheek.

To her, he was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to her.

She washed the foam and bubbles off his body with clear water and then picked up a towel to wipe him off. She wrapped a towel around him like a dumpling and then carried him towards the bed.

Mother and Son giggled and bickered.

Certain someone was standing at the door watching this lovely scene.

"Hey, Yo.Uncle J! Long time no see! Did you just steal glances at my mama?", Leo giggled at the sight of Jason standing at the door.

He love his Uncle J and wanted him to marry his mama so that he can marry Aunt Sara without any hurdle.

Jason rolled his eyes.

Rizi flicked Leo on the forehead.

Jason came to check upon Leo. He landed in the city couple of hours back and went directly to his company to handle some urgent matters.

As soon as he came home, he wanted to confirm on Leo's health. Seeing him giggling and laughing made his heart warm.

Leo was an obedient little boy in front of his mother but with Jason, he was a cute little demon.

Jason laughed, "Yes, little devil. Didn't I tell you to be polite with elders."

"But Uncle J, am already very polite. I called you 'Uncle', No?"

Jason did not know whether to laugh or cry at the remark. He threw his hands in the air, too tired to banter with this little demon.

"Ok ok. Little devil. Now you go to sleep. I will see you in the morning. Good night."

He placed a kiss on his forehead and turned towards Rizi, gave her a quick side hug, left the room.

He needed rest after such a long week of travel.

He went to his room, showered, and changed his clothes. Before going to bed, he dialed a number and asked a few questions. Once he assured that everything is under control, he closed his eyes and instantly drifted off to sleep.

The next day early in the morning, Rizi was cooking breakfast.

She was in a good mood, she decided to make fresh toast and sausage pot pie.

The sunlight seeps through the windows warming up the entire house.

Curtains flowed in harmony to welcome the new day.

Rizi looked around the lush green garden and trees, felt contented.

Jason came out from his room yawning, looking handsome as ever with ruffled hair, unkempt beard, some of his hair dropping over his forehead reaching his majestic cobalt blue eyes. His half dropped eyelids and lazy demeanor made him appear more handsome.

Entering the dining room, the aroma of French toast, pot pie, and freshly brewed coffee, hit his nostrils.

His stomach grumbled loudly.

He covered it with one of his hand hoped no one heard.

Rizi brought the plate on the dining table and with a bright smile, she placed it in front of him, "Help yourself. Removed it from the oven just now so it is still hot. I don't want to burn you the death. You continue. I will go and check Leo."

Jason squinted his eyes and teased, "Looks like someone had a nice sleep."

"Yeah! I slept like a log after such a long time." Rizi winked.

Jason laughed amusingly. "Zi! You're something!"

Rizi grinned.

There was a glint of mischievousness and satisfaction in her eyes.

Jason knew what exactly Rizi did a night before yesterday.

It was indeed a risky stunt, but he was impressed and proud.

At the very moment, Leo came out rubbing his eyes. Rizi went over and carried him.

"Let's go and brush your teeth first. Mama has prepared your favorite pot pie!"

Mother-Son duo quickly returned to the dining table.

The rest of the breakfast was peaceful and harmonious.

In the afternoon, Rizi's cellphone rang.

"Zi, the mission accomplished!" the other party screamed in excitement.

At Bennetti Group, some people had a sleepless night and suffered from a great deal of anxiety.