Chapter 18- Have fun once in a while

He stood up from the couch in an instant.

"Damn Zain. Are you a vampire or something? Why this room is so fucking dark??"

Francesco shouted as he stumbled on the rug placed on the floor.

The room was extemely dark with no light at all giving an eery vibe.

Francesco opened the door, stepped in hurriedly and his foot caught on (the edge of) the rug.

Hearing that known voice, Zain leisurely walked inside and took a sip of his scotch "Fratello, You finally know how to show up your face?" Zain smirked in sarcasm.

Francesco's face twitched.

He shrugged on his remark and switched on the lights.

A beautiful modern designed room in white and black tone welcomed him in full glory with expensive antiques, modern arts, and furniture.

Francesco walked towards the mini bar, took a glass, and pour himself the most expensive scotch from Zain's collection.

"Mamma Mia!" he exclaimed taking a sip of fine expensive scotch.

Zain shook his head and took a puff of his cigarette. He offered it to Francesco.

"Rest all taken care of?" Zain enquired.

Francesco took a deep puff.

"Yes. What are you doing alone? I saw Susanna rushed out of the house. What happened."

"She came for a visit. I sent her back." Zain commented with a guilty expression.

Francesco observed and chuckled. "Well Fratello, Don't you like her? You spent so many years searching for her. Now when she is with you, legally engaged and you are pushing her away. What's wrong with you? Still thinking about Rizi?"

"I don't think about Rizi. Why should I waste my breath on her?" Zain snapped.

"Right." Francesco rolled his eyes.

"About Susana, I don't know! Sometimes it feels weird like she is not real. There is something more to the Cruzs' that I am not able to figure out. I don't know if it's my brain playing tricks or is there any other reason. Maybe I should stop this madness of comparing her with her childhood version. She cares a lot for me but I am not able to reciprocate." Zain explained in a confused tone.

"Well, all I can say is try harder. Now don't sulk too much. Let's go to the bar for a change. " Francesco suggested.

"I am not interested" Zain quickly denied.

"C'mon Fratello, let's go. You need to get out of your house and have some fun once in a while. Don't forget you owe me for an interruption in the morning which got me a hell lot of curse from a beautiful lady. Gosh, I won't be able to find her again, I don't even know her name." Francesco sighed.

Zain reluctantly agreed.

Both drove in Zain's black Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero and drove toward '6 Barrel Club'.

6 Barrel Club-

A high-end exclusive Club and Bar famous among the elites. Only the elites and the billionaires having memberships are allowed to enter.

Entering the club, Zain and Franceso were greeted by the lady "Welcome Sir. Please come this way. "

The hostess enthusiastically guided them to their exclusive VVIP private room.

The room was dimly light with high-end modern designed furniture and a stage with pole and disco lights.

Soon the waiter arrived with the menu.

Zain and Francesco ordered Glenfiddich 1937 Rare Collection and few appetizers.

After a while, 3 ladies clad in extremely thin and sexy dress with high stilettos entered carrying their scotch.

They served them with their seductive moves.

Two of them went to the pole and started grooving and stripping.

Francesco grinned and nodded. He was enjoying the show. Zain had a neutral look on his face. He focused on his drink and was least interested in his surrounding.

Francesco made one of the ladies sat on his lap and offered her drink.

Zain rolled his eyes at Francesco.

Just a while back he was cribbing for the name of the girl who meet him in the morning. Now this.

Such a Casanova!

His dick works faster than his brain!

Francesco chuckled seeing the bored look on Zain's face.

He signaled another lady from the pole to move towards Zain.

The stripper danced slowly and move towards Zain. Zain held his third glass of scotch and took a sip.

The stripper started touching him and sat on his lap. She moved her hips and started grinding slowly swaying her hair. Her hands trailed down from his neck to this chest in an intimate way.

Sensational music in addition to fine scotch aroused the temperature of the room.

Zain was feeling hot and tipsy as he already had a couple of drinks at home.

When stripper sat on his lap and started moving her hips. He looked at her face.

He saw those beautiful brown eyes, delicate face, those red lips, jet black hair, and that silky pale white skin, that unique scent.

He held the stripper by the waist tightly and looked into her eyes, he muttered.


The stripper went closer to the Zain and held his face with her hands.

Their faces were inches apart.

Zain closed his eyes.

She moved slowly and her lips touched his.

Zain felt an unknown intruder.

This is not Rizi.

It doesn't feel like her.

He opened his eyes, blinked twice to have a clear view. A short brown-haired, blue eyed beautiful stripper was on his lap.

He squinted his eyes, grabbed her arm and pushed her aside.

"Get lost you slut".

The stripper was surprised a bit but nonetheless, she stood up gracefully as if all these was normal for her.

She was used to this type of arrogant and spoiled billionaires.

Francesco sighed.

His friend was drunk. They spent an hour more at the club.

Zain was wasted.

Francesco himself was slaushed. He called Zain's driver to pick them up as they were not in condition to drive back.

Once the driver arrived, Francesco with the help of the waiter, carried Zain to the car.

He placed him in the back seat and sat next to him. Car drove towards Zain's villa.

On the way, Zain constantly muttered,

"Zi..! you witch..What the hell have you done to me!"