Chapter 20- I am proud of you son

In Springrock city:

Rizi was in her secret study room, patiently waiting for the call from Jason.

Dressed in a loose grey sweatshirt and white shorts, her eyes constantly glanced on the black screen of her phone.

She looked at the time again to make sure whether to make calls to Jason or not.

Her beloved son, Leo, participated in famous Art Competition for kids today.

Jason and Sara, being the official guardian of Leo, accompanied him to the competition.

Leo had a fever since yesterday, Rizi didn't want him to go but the kid got so excited that she dint had the heart to break his enthusiasm.

Now she was worried about his health and nervous about competition results.

She believed in her son's capability but being a mother she was nervous about unwanted "what ifs.."

She didn't accompany him because it's better for them not to be seen together frequently. She had kept Leo's identity and information hidden.

Zack informed her that someone is having a constant watch on her. She dont know who is it yet. She cannot risk her son's life. He is better protected under Jason's wings.

"You will bore a hole in your cellphone the way you are staring at it." Zack's voice echoed from one of the monitor screens.

He was connected in a video call.

She moved her eyes from the screen of her cellphone and looked towards the source of the voice.

"Whatever. I am excited about my son's competition and more worried about his health. You won't understand. So how's monitoring so far?" Rizi spoke in a slow distracted voice.

Rizi and Zack were keeping an eye on all the activities of the Bennetti Group.

Soon enough after paying the ransom, Bennetti Group announced the start of their new project to upgrade their Network and Infrastrcture Security.

They invited all major security solutions providers to submit their proposals for the project. It was a big project worth more than 50 million dollars. It covered network and security up-gradation for all the subsidiaries companies including Bennetti Group. It was a big news.

"Well, everything is going as per our plan." explained Zack.

Rizi smirked triumphantly. "Well, l told you these guys are loaded."

Zack's nodded. "True that. So shall we proceed with our next steps?"

Rizi shook her head

"No. Why?" confused by her sudden reaction, Zain responded hesitantly.

He looked at her with a big question mark on his head.

Rizi chuckled. "Let them bleed some more. I have one more surprise for them."

"Savage." Zack rolled his eyes.

"This time it's just for fun. This will expedite the selection process in Bennetti Group. Meanwhile, did you registered ourselves in the upcoming Hackathon BugHackX?"

"Yes already did. It is in 2 weeks from now." Zack typed a command and send information to Rizi's monitor.

She nodded in encouragement.

The BugHackX Hackathon event was designed to invite all expert hackers from all over the world to break and take control back of the most advanced malware affected system designed by one of the top hackers of the dark Web. It's a private exclusive event and the outside world wouldn't even know about it. No media coverage, no big showdown. It will be organized at a hidden remote location and participants will be given coordinates to reach the destination.

Interested candidates registered themselves with their pseudo names/code names/group names. Everyone's identity is kept secret. But not everyone can enter the location. Organizers committee consists of 5 people and they themselves are the experts hackers of the Dark Web. It easy for them to find information related to anyone. But they maintain code of conduct unless it is extremely required.

Organizers will issue a unique code word to each and every registrant.

It has strict guidelines and policies.

The security of the place will also be extremely tight as this is not a legal event.

This year the winning amount is 10 million dollars.

"That's cool. Make sure Bennetti Group's CEO is made aware of this event. We must win this event." She slammed her fist on the table.

"Isn't it a gamble. What if we are not able to win?" Zack expressed his concern in a faint voice.

"Then we will execute your plan." Rizi winked.

Zack nodded.

At that very moment, a ringing sound made its way into her ears, Rizi hurriedly pick up her cellphone.

Without giving Zack a chance to respond, she spoke in a hushed voice "Let's connect tonight again. Inform Abby. Am logging off."

DarkWebMaster01 logged out.

Zack laughed out loud and shook his head.

Picking up the call Rizi smiled and spoke "J, What took you so long? Where's Leo? Everything went well?" She questioned him right away, not bothering with the greetings.

"Zi. Calm down. Everything was superb and congratulations! your beloved son won the competition and was awarded personally by the great comic artist, Mr. David Walt" Jason explained enthusiastically.

"Oh my god! Isn't that Great J. He is my star. Bring him soon as soon as possible" Rizi screamed in excitement.

"Yeah! Yeah, Zi. We are on the way. Will be there in 20 minutes." Jason confirmed their arrival and hung up.

Rizi was fidgeting in the living room awaiting her little panda's arrival.

Soon the sound of the car engine was heard, Rizi ran out of the door.

Sara helped Leo to unbuckle the straps of his booster seat.

Leo came out holding Sara's hand as support.

Rizi ran towards her son and pick him up from the ground in an instant.

She hugged him tightly and showered him with kisses all over his face.

"My baby. I am so proud of you! I was sure you will win. Mama is so happy for you." She spoke in midst of her kisses.

Leo giggled. "Mama.. thank you. I brought this for you. "Leo handed over her award trophy to Rizi.

Rizi's eyes welled with tears. She hugged him tightly. "Thank you, baby. You deserve it the most. I love you."

Leo hugged her back,

"Don't cry, mama. It's a happy day."

Leo yawned and rested his head on her shoulder. The mother's embrace feels so comfortable.

She chuckled at his dropping eyes and patted him on his head. She signaled the other two people standing there and carried Leo into the house.

Jason and Sara followed her and stole glances at each other.