Chapter 26- Susanna's birthday dinner(2)

Susanna's eyes twinkled while opening the gift.

Her face blossomed into a big smile.

Blush spread across her beautiful face and delicate neck.

She unwrapped the gift and opened the envelope.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

She became extremely excited and gave toothy smile after looking at the holiday package with tickets in the envelope.

She looked a Zain with adoration in her eyes.

So this is what he meant when he told her father that he will make it upto her for forgetting her birthday.

So thoughtful!

so caring!

He planned this romantic dinner and now this private island holiday trip for us.

Looks like he too wants to spend some time and get to know each other more before wedding.

Susanna's brain was overthinking at a speed of 260 miles per hour. She got so swayed away in her imaginations that she completely forgot about Zain's presence and how he is still involved in this mobile phone.

Her mind drifted towards their quality time they will spend at the private island.

Susanna's turned red like tomato.

Breaking out of her reverie, Susanna took out tickets from the box.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

She frowned.

Why there are 4 tickets?

Who others will join us?

Must be that casanova friend of his and someone of his new bimbo girl.

It was a luxurious private island trip package for 2 nights and 3 days at a 7-star resort. The resort was extremely expensive and private. One can only reach via private choppers or private yacht arranged by resort only.

She thought the trip was for only two of them. But there were 2 more tickets.

Never mind!

Nonetheless, she can bear with his friend and his so called girlfriend for a while.

This was her chance to spend some more time with him and get more close to him.

She will do her best to make him entice and fall for her.

This trip will bring them closer romantically, rather she will make sure that Zain's is tied to her for lifetime after this trip.

by hook or by crook!

Susanna grinned and a evil smile plastered on her face which went unnoticed by Zain.

Again her mind drifted towards the trip and she looked at Zain from top to bottom.

God, he will look so handsome in those beach shorts.

That godlike physique!

8 pack abs!

tight muscles!

Her hands touching him intimately.

She fanned her face quickly realizing she went way too far with her daydreaming.

She was thankful Zain dint observe it and was busy on his phone.

At the same time, the waiter arrived with their food and served them their ordered dishes.

Bouillabaisse-ultra-fresh fish stew


Cacio e pepe

Crostini with Salsa verde toscana

Zain smiled and was satisfied with what she had ordered.

They both were hungry, so they started digging into their food.

After a couple of minutes, Susanna asked curiously pointing to the tickets "What are these?"

"This is a private island's fully paid luxury holiday package for 3 days," Zain explained quickly.

Susanna blushed and nodded.

The next sentences took her by surprise.

"You and your friends can go on this trip anytime. It's fully paid so you guys can enjoy without any constraint." Zain added nonchalantly.

As soon the words left Zain's mouth, color drained from Susanna's face.

Like a bucket of cold water was splashed on her!

What did he just say!

Me and my friends!


This is just a GIFT!

He dint plan any holiday for them.

This was his so called birthday gift for her so she could go on a trip with her friends and NOT HIM.

Her face scrunched in a disappointment.

Susanna clenched her fist tightly.

Her nails dug in her palms.

What the hell!

She felt extremely disappointed.

But Susanna being Susanna, dint break her composure in front of Zain.

Clenching her fist tightly, she smiled earnestly at Zain masking her disappointment.

"Thank you so much. This is so thoughtful of you!"

"It's ok. It's not a big deal. I am glad you like it. Am sure you will enjoy the trip." Zain spoke while chewing on Cacio e Pepe.

Susanna gave a small forced smile and focused on her food.

Damn! This dimwit!

She observed Zain with her scrutinizing gaze.

Is he still thinking about that useless cousin of mine?

That witch!

It's been so many years, even in her absence I cannot have peace of mind.

She gritted her teeth.

She soon must do something to ensure Zain is tied with her for the rest of his life.

She cannot let him slip away at any cost.

She picked up her phone and send a message to her PA.

[Get me the latest details. ASAP].