Chapter 28- What's your name?

"You? What are you doing here?" The woman squinted her eyes.

Francesco raised his brows in amusement.

She was a bit tipsy and her face was flushed red due to wine.

He chuckled and in his sexy italian accent he responded "I can ask the same thing to you cara mia. What are YOU doing here?"

How can he forget this beautiful face who cursed him like a hell?

Her curse was so bad that he didn't get laid for so many weeks.

Such a witch!

Her expression shifted.

She observed his handsome face.

Damn, why is he so handsome!

She got attracted to this handsome face at the very first sight and had fallen for his devilish charms.

Alcohol had muddled her thinking power subsequently.

But how can she forget him?

This asshole!

Who stops at the edge of climax and that too at the very end when they were both were about to come!

He left her high and dry at the very end.

How can she forget this face? She gave her virginity to this dork who didn't even let her reach at the end of the orgasm and left her to pick that bloody phone. Who does that!

She observed his manly physique and clicked her tongue.

Such a waste!

They met a couple of weeks ago in the Vince City when she ran away from her home for 2 days to spend some time alone.

She was tired of her monotonous and organized life & work. She wanted a break and do something crazy. So she drove to the Vince city to spend the next 2 days without planning.

She decided to go with the flow.

There she met this handsome man at the beach.

They hit it off instantly.

They roam around the city and had fun.

Later, Francesco took her to an expensive suite in a luxurious 5- star hotel.

They had a couple of drinks and before even they realize, they were kissing.

They both were attracted to each other. There was long lost hunger and passion between them.

She told him it was her first time and she was nervous. Francesco slowed down and then he gave her first nerve-wracking orgasm during their foreplay. During the final act, they were on the verge of their climax and his stupid phone rang.

This idiot stopped in between and went to receive that phone.

Must be someone important!

At that time she realized that she dint knew anything about him.

Maybe he is married or engaged?

That must be his fiancé or wife's call?

Otherwise why a man will stop so abruptly.

Feeling humiliated, her anger spiked, she quickly put on her dress and cursed him like a hell.

Then she walked away slamming the door shut on his face.

She quickly drove back to her city and tried to forget the incident.

Until today, this asshole's face popped in front of her again!

Suddenly, a wicked thought crossed her mind. She saw how women around him were so interested in him and his charms.

She chuckled and went closer to him.

Francesco straightened his back. He was confused by her action.

She tiptoed and seductively whispered in his ears "So are you here to pick up some more girls for fun? Don't forget to tell them that you cannot finish what you start. You have a habit of leaving the other person high and dry in mid of..ahem…you know what I mean!"

She deliberately raised her voice in the last sentence.

Socalities around them heard this sentence and gasped.

They were dumbfounded.

Who is this girl? What's their relationship? How close are they to talk about orgasm?

Few of them burned with jealousy.

Many eyes were now focused on these two people who glared at each other- a handsome Greek god-like man and a petite framed platinum blonde-haired beautiful girl.

Francesco's eyes widened on her words.

He realized what she did.

He squinted his eyes and smirked. 'Two can play the game.'

He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist and spoke in a clear raspy voice "Mi Amore, don't be so jealous. They were just looking. I dint even observed them. I have only you in my eyes."

Hearing man's coaxing words, Socialites felt irritated.

So, this is his girlfriend and she was spouting nonsense out of jealousy. So shallow!

The woman was stupefied.

What the heck!

Who is his Mi Amore!

She tried to remove his hand from her waist and cleared her throat "What are you talking about?"

"Mi Amore, I know you are mad at me but please don't. You know they are nothing compared to you. I missed you." Francesco spoke in a coaxing voice.

"Hey mister.. what nonsense are you spouting!"

Suddenly Francesco pulled her closer, leaned his head, and kissed her on her lips.

Her eyes widened in shock. Alcohol had an erotic effect on her. She didn't push him away. Under his skilled kisses, her mind went mushy.

'Damn it! So skilled he is! But why I am enjoying it.'

Soon all resistance and thoughts flew out of the window and she responded him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back sloppily.

Francesco pulled her more closer. She felt his hard length on her stomach. Suddenly she felt hot.

Francesco placed his forehead on hers and spoke in a husky voice "Let's finish where we left last time. This time I won't give you an opportunity to curse me again."

Then he heard a light snore.

Seeing the girl melted in his arms and passed out, Francesco chuckled and shook his head.

He picked her up and walked towards the exit.

His driver was waiting for him outside the bar.

He placed the woman in the back seat and sat next to her.

He rested her head on his chest and stroke her hair. He chuckled again.

She passed out in mid of their kisses. Was he that boring!

His smile turned into a frown.

He observed her face closely. She is indeed beautiful without any makeup. Platinum blonde hair color suits her a lot. Her lips were red and her cheeks flushed, after effects of their passionate kiss.

The last time when she walked away cursing him, he thought he will never be able to meet her again. He dint even knew her name.

Zain needed his help as his company was in dire situation and he knew he will not call him unless it is urgent. So at that time, he had no choice but to respond immediately.

He regretted stopping in between because he knew it was her first time and he was glad that she had trusted him.

He had thought about her for a long time.

Today, he was surprised and shocked to see her in the 6 Barrel Club.

Not everyone can enter the club, this means this woman in his arms is not some simple character. She must be part of one of those elite families.

Francesco sighed, he realized he knew nothing about her. Not even her name.

The woman in his arms muttered "you are mean!"

Francesco chuckled and poked her cheek. "What's your name cara mia?"

The woman was still in her sleep. She murmured softly "Arlette" and snuggled closer to him to find a more comfortable position.

Once she was comfortable, she drifted off to sleep.