Chapter 52- End of Hackathon

"Elder Song. You are ready with announcement details?" Rizi asked, breaking the awkwardness in the room.

She understood their predicament.

All of them feel for her, but she was way past over her weak self. She is strong and bold now.

Elder Song picked up the mineral bottle from the table.

"Rizelle, Are you sure about this? Do we need to announce this today?" Elder Song asked while taking a sip of water.

Rizi nodded.

She folded her arms and rested her head on the headrest of the sofa.

Her expression turned serious, "Yes. As you know this event was very important because I wanted to kill two birds with one stone. And trust me both our birds are hit at the right spot. Besides this has created a buzz about our new software already, this victory will add multiple feathers in our hat at the same time. This will also skyrocket our reputation in the business world legally. So it's the time to announce but ensure to not reveal our identities."