Few Italian Translation

Hello Readers!

There are few Italian words and sentences used in the book. I am adding translation here for your reference. I will keep updating it as and when there are more words used.

Cara Mia – My beloved

Questa è la mia vendetta- This is my revenge

Ciao amore – Bye Love.

Ciao - is used for Hi and Bye both.

Mio Amato- My Love

Si Signore- Yes, Sir

Si - Yes

Mio Amico- My friend

Cazzo- F*ck

E'Incredibile – It's unbelievable

Guardami- Watch me

Figlio di Puttana- son of a b*tch

Buongiorno - Good morning

Buona Notte- Good night

Nonno- Grandfather

Sorella- Sister

Fratello- Brother

Addio- Goodbye

Famiglia- Family