Chapter 58- Leo's question

Rizi and the team reached her villa around 11 pm after dropping Elder Song to his home.

She had a spare key. She lightly unlocked the main door to avoid making any sound and tiptoed inside.

Her heart warmed at the scene in the living room.

In a living room, the dim yellow lights were glowing, creating a gentle and homely atmosphere.

Three figures fell asleep on the sofa. On t.v, avengers movie was playing on the mute mode.

Jason was sleeping on the couch in the sitting position. his head rested backward and legs stretched out on the coffee table.

On his left side was Leo covered in a white fleece blanket, his head was rested in Jason's lap. Jason has his one arm on Leo's shoulder as if he was caressing him before the sleep.

His other hand held Sara who was on his right side covered in another blanket.

She had her head rested on his chest and her one arms wrapped around his waist. She had snuggled into his embrace.

Zack and Abby smiled at such a cute scene.