Chapter 61- Once bitten, Twice shy

Rizi nodded and smiled.

"You think you will be able to get inside intel?"

Elder Song asked taking a sip of this herbal green tea.

"Yes of course. Even their restricted servers that are not on a common network, we can get access of them as well. I am not sure how much dirt we will able to find but will see how it goes. We will be staying in close radar so the advantages are there."

"What about your Uncle's company?" Elder Song asked another question.

"Well, am going to spread the media article like a wildfire on the web. The more the coverage, the worst it will be for Grey Technosoft. They stocks will plummet drastically. Knowing Dino Cruz is the CEO, it will also affect Cruz Corps stocks." Rizi smirked with a smug look on her face.

Elder Song laughed at her smugness.

She was truly becoming more and more formidable.

Where had that naïve little young girl gone?