Chapter 64- Aphrodite and Adonis

"But I am interested. Can't we talk about it?"

Francesco whispered in her ear with a sigh.

A tired smile on his face.

He wanted a chance, and this woman was not even talking to him properly.

Arlette fiddled with her necklace and bit her lips.

Francesco observed her reaction.

His eyes darted on her hands.

She was nervous as if she was scared or afraid of something. Something was stopping her.

Francesco looked at her closely and muttered "You look beautiful tonight Arlette!" His breath fanning her face.

Arlette looked at him. Her eyes lowered at his lips, and she licked her lips.

Francesco smiled in amusement.

He was glad to see that there was some attraction from her end as well. It was not a one-way street. He felt a bit relieved!

"Ma'am your drink!" The bartender placed the drink in front of her and turned towards other customers.

Arlette grabbed her drink and took a big sip.