Chapter 76- Lunch with Mrs Morris

At afternoon, Zack drove Abby, Rizi and Leo to his home Morris Mansion.

It was not far. It was around 45 minutes in suburbs.

It was a big castle-like mansion.

As soon as Zack parked his car, servants came running towards and bowed in respect.

All of them stepped out of the car.

Butler Tom greeted everyone politely.

Rizi and Abby took out the gifts from the trunk that they got for Zack's mother and grandparents.

As soon as they all entered, they smelled a bitter, sour and spicy smell.

Abby and Rizi gulped in fear. Zack covered his and Leo's nose.

"What the hell is this smell?" Zack asked Butler Tom.

Butler Tom gave sympathetic look "Lady Morris is cooking some healthy dishes."

"Damn it. What new she is trying. This smell is so horrifying." Zack scrunched his face.

"Momm!!" Zack called out for Mrs Morris.

A beautiful middle-aged lady came out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

Even though she was in her late 40s, she looked much younger and radiant.