Chapter 79- Lauren Song

As soon as they reach Bennetti Groups, Zain left for his scheduled meeting.

Francesco guided Rizi and Zack towards the Network Security Department.

As soon as they entered, they saw people busy working on their laptops and desktop with utmost concentration.

Zack was surprised to see so much silence and concentration.

Sound of keyboards and printer echoed through the floor.

Francesco guided them towards the end.

He pointed towards an office on the right "This is where I sit and work sometimes."

Then he pointed at the door opposite his office. "This is where you both can sit and work. Please come in."

Rizi and Zack entered the office. It was indeed very spacious big office.

Two desks were organized neatly with laptops and desktops configured.

At the corner, there were 2 big couches with a coffee table.

Next to it was espresso machine, water purifier and snacks counter.

Wires were covered and the office looked very neat and professional.