Chapter 81- Attempt to get access to server control room

It's been a week since Rizi and Zack started deploying new security software and upgrading network security for Bennetti Groups.

The working environment was comfortable without any envious colleagues or other melodrama.

The was occasional banter between Zack and Nia, but it was professional.

Zain was out of the country on a business deal for two weeks. Francesco was still there in the office closely working with them.

Francesco has given very restricted access to Rizi and Zack required for them to complete their job.

Today was Tuesday, and they have to send a progress report.

So far Rizi has understood the network thoroughly from inside and was bit impressed the way Francesco has designed it.

Although she hacked it twice earlier as a Dark WebMaster, she was surprised to find that there were some hidden servers.

She has already infiltrated the network from inside multiple time in one week, but she was surprised that she hadn't found any dirt on Zain Bennetti.