Chapter 85 - Spying conversation

By the time Rizi reached Bennetti groups, Zack was already there.

He arrived an hour earlier to finish some pending work.

Rizi saw that Nia was not in the room, instead, there was another guy and Patrick.

"where's Nia?" Rizi placed her handbag on the table and turned on her laptop.

"Zack, I am asking you!" Rizi squinted her eyes at him when she didn't receive any response from him.

Zack felt some movements near him. He looked up and removed his headphone, "Z....!"

He immediately stopped and looked around.

The other two people didn't pay any attention to him. They were busy working on their own laptops.

Clearing his throat he spoke calmly, "Lauren, I had replaced her. She was not productive enough and keeps making silly mistakes. She always did the opposite of what I asked her to do. I had enough of her. So I requested Francesco for a replacement. That's why Jeff is here instead of Nia. He will help us with the project further."