Chapter 89- Episode of Panic attack

Francesco was languidly sitting on his bed at Bennetti Mansion and eating breakfast.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning.

He was enjoying fresh bacon and pancakes with strong black coffee and chatting with Arlette in between.

He already got notification from Zain that he will directly go to the office to finish some urgent work.

So for Francesco, it was a lazy weekend.

He was chatting with Arlette when he realized how he has changed in the past couple of weeks.

His old self would have gone to clubbing or partying over the weekend.

Now, he prefers to spend his time talking to Arlette over a video call or phone call whenever possible.

His eyes were full of gentleness while responding to Arlette's messages.

While he was typing another message for Arlette asking about when she is going to return, His phone displayed a popup notification.

It was a text message from Ms Lauren Song.

Francesco was surprised to see a message from Lauren over the weekend.