Chapter 126- Susanna's despair

Next morning, warm rays of the sun seeped into the room, brightening up the pink painted walls.

A figure peacefully sleeping squinted her eyes and turn around to avoid brightness but her entire body ached.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she slowly tried to sit up in a daze. Her head was spinning.

She massaged her temples and observed a figure lying next to her naked.

His bare, strong muscular back came into the view.

Susanna smiled.

She recalled her plan must be successfully executed with the help of Sasha.

Zain was finally in her bed. She blushed and traced her fingers on the man's back.

The man felt her touch and groggily turned out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Susanna's loud scream penetrated the walls of the room.

The figure next to her immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes. He squinted his eyes at her.

"Shut up and stop screaming. Will you?" The man snapped at her and brushed his hair using his hands.

Susanna lost her cool, she realized the man was not Zain.