Chapter 128- I want to find her

At Bennetti Mansion:

"Fratello! Let's cover up the news. I will engage PR team. People will start digging in more." Francesco asked Zain in frustration.

This was nth time he was asking him. Zain didn't want to take any action.

"Leave it as it is. Let people speculate whatever they want. We will release a statement later. Marriage is already cancelled, so take it easy." Zain took a puff of his cigarette calmly.

"What about Susanna? You will let her go just like that? She drugged you dammit and the whole Bennetti Group's reputation was affected by her loose mouth." Francesco slammed his hand on the desk.

"hmm." Zain released then smoke in the air. "I want this issue to blow up. Just ensure that fire is directed towards them and not us. I want to know what all skeletons they have in their closet."

"What do you mean?" Francesco asked in confusion.