Chapter 134- I Hate That I Loved You!

The kiss was rough and forced at first.

Rizi's resolved became weak.

She had once loved this man with all her being, all her heart and all her soul.

Before she even understands anything, her hands clutched his shirt and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Zain felt her warm tears, and he could not control his own. His own tears fell down his cheek. Rizi felt his tears, and a sob escaped her mouth.

Zain tightened hold on her waist and deepened the kisses. He felt home!

They both poured every emotion in that kiss!

Their kisses became slow and sensual. Both were lost in it. Zain's hands started to move around. He lifted her t-shirt and her hands caressed her stomach.

His hands trembled when he realized there was a big scar on the lower abdomen. He broke their kiss and immediately bent down without wasting a second while lifting her t-shirt to take a proper look at the scar he felt.

He gasped seeing such big scar and many small brown burns scars on her stomach.