Chapter 146- Leo and Zain's uncanny encounter

Next day.

The City Central Hospital:

Rizi was caressing her son's cheek, who was sleeping peacefully.

Leo went through 5 days of Chemotherapy before his today's scheduled procedure of Bone Marrow Transplant.

Chemotherapy was required to completely destroy the existing bone marrow and thereby to help the patient receive the new stem cells.

Because of his rare blood type that he inherited from Zain, it was so hard for her to find a donor. Finally, all her prayers were answered, and they found a donor.

As donor wanted to keep his identity anonymous, Rizi had no option to convey her sincere thanks via Dr. Mills. She had already donated a huge fund to the hospital.

She was glad her son will finally be able to get healthy.

Chemotherapy for leukemia was a near death. Although this was a critical procedure, she had complete faith in her son and his fighting spirit. She will never give up on he faith and belief.