Chapter 157- Leo talking to his donor

Inside the Rizi's study, Zack smirked while monitoring the conversation between Pikachu and Garfield.

For Leo's sake, he had already hacked and find out who the other party is. To his surprise, she was none other than Nia Mirren. This girl!!!

"Looks like we will meet again soon. It will be a fun to tease you both. Pikachu and Garfield!" Zack mumbled thoughtfully while signing up for Gaming competition with the alias of SpongeBob.

Back on Leo's side:

Rizi had helped him with some snacks and required medicines, then she left for her study. She had a lot of matters to deal with now.

Leo picked up his phone and scroll through the contact list. His mother has received the contact number of his donor from Dr.Mill's a while back.

He was super excited to talk to his donor.

Taking a deep breath and fingers crossed, Leo tapped on the name "Donor Uncle" and the call went through.

After nearly 5 rings, a deep magnetic voice answered on the other end, "Hi, Leo!"