Chapter 164- Because I have Susanna Cruz captured

"Fratello. It's not an ordinary gang. They one of the top mercenary group. Who had such power to engage them to kidnap Rizi? Not sure whom she had offended. But it won't be easy to stop them. You know they have many tricks up their sleeves." Francesco concerned voice made Zain clenched his jaw.

"Do not worry. Ours are still the top one. I am following the location. I will join in 10 minutes." Zain answered irritatingly and stepped on the gas to speed up.

He was thinking about who can hurt her?

He contemplated for a while and dialled the number which he never thought he will dial in this lifetime while keeping Francesco on hold.

After a couple of rings, an annoyed voice responded on the other hand, "What now, Bennetti?"

"Jason, you know the situation. I called to talk about it." Zain tried to control his annoyance. This is the first time he had lowered himself for anyone.