Chapter 166- Will blow her up into smithereens

The men who had his gun aimed at Rizi's temple smirked and signalled towards the helicopter and other speedboats while threatening, "Back-off or I will blow her mind into pieces right here in front of you." He pressed the muzzle on Rizi's temple fiercely. He observed Zain trying to make a hand gesture and yelled again in threatening voice, "Do not try to act smart Mr Bennetti or she will die with us. Look at this time bomb. If we won't leave this place in the next 2 minutes, she will blow up with us. Imagine her fragile, beautiful body blowing up into smithereens!!" He knew Zain has back up ready to block their escape via all means road, sea and sky.

When he saw that Zain has stopped his hand from moving but took a step forward to walk in his direction, he reversed his hand while holding the gun and slapped Rizi hard. The blood seeped out from the corner of her mouth.