Chapter 170- Where the hell am I?

"Yes. Do you have any problem?" Caroline threw a glare at Andrew.

"Woah! No darling. In fact, I am in a very happy mood today. Our deal was successful. USD 600 Billion. Check our swiss accounts. We will soon be able to expand our company here from Austria. Soon I will get that briefcase as well." Andrew grinned happily while removing his overcoat and occupying a seat on the couch languidly.

Caroline's eyes shone with excitement but thinking about Susanna her mood became sullen.

"Eddy, the batch of 200 girls is coming from the middle east and around 8000 more ammunitions cargo from Southwest coming in tonight. Make arrangements to transport this and previous consignment to our main base as soon as possible tonight." Andrew handed some file to Eddy and gave him instructions.

"Ok. Boss. One more thing. Zain Bennetti tried to contact you." Eddy said while checking the files.