Chapter 172- Dad!!!

Caroline rushed to the Andrew study and barged in without knocking in.

"She knows!!" Caroline was breathing heavily leaning on the door.

Andrew was busy on a conference call. As soon as he heard Caroline's words, he shut his laptop. "What?"

"She knows that Ara was murdered." Caroline looked panic-stricken.

"Relax." Andrew leaned back on his chair and tapped his desk with his index finger. There was a swirl of emotions in Andrew's eyes.

After few seconds, he stood up and grabbed his coat, "Let's meet her."

"What!! Are you crazy?" Caroline nearly jumped on Andrew's words.

"Relax. I know what I am doing. C'mon. " Andrew motioned Caroline to follow him and wear a mask on his face.

They both entered the basement.

After so many years, for the first time, Andrew saw Rizi.

His footsteps halted. She was looking more and more like her mother.

Rizi was glaring at the two people followed by 20 men.