Chapter 187- Deep thinking

When she thought she was on the right path, just then these new revelations about her father, her mother's murder and the horrendous truth of her father's real self have broken her again from inside.

Being a D'Souza seems like a never-ending curse.

The irony is that's still not enough. she still doesn't know her father's real self and how many layers that man had. Why did he kill her mother and Zain's parents? What caused their death? What's is there in the briefcase?

She looked upwards into the sky and softly spoke in her voice laced with soft hiccups, "Mom, I miss you. I miss you so much. I miss your hug. I miss you coaxing me. I miss your word of wisdom. I miss how your single kiss would make my pain go away. Mom, I need that. I need that. It hurts so much. It hurts here." Rizi placed her hand on her the left side of her chest. "Please come back. Please make this pain go away. Please, mom. I am so tired mom. So tired." She broke down and sobbed her heart out.