Chapter 189- Do not Fran me

As soon as Zain reached Phil's office, with a warm smile on his face he slumped on the sofa while taking out his phone. He unlocked his phone and caressed Rizi and Leo's picture taken at hospital after Leo's surgery.

"Amore mio!"

Dr Phil who was busy analyzing some reports looked up and felt there was something wrong with his eyes.

He rubbed it multiple times but still, there was a faint smile on Zain's lips.

A smile!!

That too on Zain the might Goddamn Bennetti!!

Unable to tolerate the itch under his skin, Dr Phil again rubbed his eyes dramatically in excitement, "Oh my eyes!! My eyes!! Is that smile on your poker face? Oh my! I thought you don't how to smile and have some sort of facial paralysis."

As soon as words flew out of his mouth, Zain's smile was gone and here came the iceberg mode.

"Is your skin itchy Phil? Do you have a lot of free time these days? Shall I send you back?" Zain threatened coldly.