Chapter 214- Conference with Lucas Den

Rizi was not aware with whom she had this meeting scheduled.

It was scheduled and managed by Assistant Han as he was the one sending her updates.

Now that she is aware of her mother's background and the history behind why she was sent away from Lucas Den, she wondered if her real grandfather truly cared about her mother.

After Grandpa Cruz adopted her mother, they never wanted to take her back. or was there anyone who ever cared about her mother?

What about her mother?

How she handled and dealt with such a complicated situation?

Who were her real grandparents?

From what she knows so far, her actual grandfather i.e. her mother's father was the head of Lucas Den.

What about her grandmother?

Lots of questions popped up one after another.

Rizi was contemplating in her thoughts when her screen flickered with a notification that showed there was an incoming video call.

She took a deep breath and pushed all the thoughts at the back of her mind and hit connect.