Chapter 216- A tray full of warmth and kindess

Zain's hand hung in the air as he hastily clarified, "Sorry, Ethan is tired so just wanted to give hand over this personally to you." He pointed towards the briefcase in this other hand.

Rizi cleared her throat awkwardly, "Oh. ok. Please come in."

Rizi turned around and winced as to why she had called him inside?

She should have just accepted that briefcase and thanked him.

They reached the living room, and she gestured for him to sit on the couch.

Zain looked around the place which oozed warmth. The decor, the colors and the homely atmosphere were like a breath of fresh air.

Every touch and aesthetic represents Rizelle herself.

Warm and full of life!

Rizi stared at the figure sitting on her couch.

Never in her wildest dreams, she would have believed this type of day would ever come.

His brown hair was a bit ruffled and his 5 o clock beard indicated how tired he must be. Dark circles under his eyes and his crumpled shirt screamed fatigue.