Chapter 258- Escaped

As the guard left, Stephano couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of happiness within.

His eyes subconsciously moved to the cameras in the dungeon covering each and every cell.

He knew everything was monitored. He needs to be careful. The movement and response of the guard were also cautious.

He needed to find a way to communicate with that guard. He decided to wait for the meal time tomorrow as it was late at night. If his assumption was right, then the guard would definitely try to communicate with him.

He could identify the malicious glint easily. That flicker was something he knew. The guard was not that loyal to Zain seems like.

He decided to rest as his body was still weak due to his long-duration of coma. He decided to reserve his energy and observe the guard's behavior tomorrow morning.

Soon the night passed and the morning came, Stephano woke up as he heard the guards waking them up while hitting their cell door with a metal rod.