Chapter 261- Flashback continues(1)

"Idiota!!" Mr. Lucas mumbled under his breath as he snorted in Zain's direction.

"fatti gli affari tuoi!"

[Mind your own business!] 

Zain responds in his thick Italian voice and pursed his lips as he leaned back on his chair, "You better check who was the culprit. It is the matter of your own daughter!" His voice was laced with annoyance.

Hearing this, Mr. Lucas's face darkened. He wanted to retort, but he could not. He knew Zain was right. He had failed as a father. Thinking about Ara, his eyes moistened, but he recovered his expression.

"What are we going to do now? There is no lead and I have rechecked those devices and phones. We were not able to find anything further!" Francesco quipped in between.