Chapter 265- Stephano back at Island

Under Black's surveillance, the next day Stephano and his group set out in their private chopper overnight and headed to the secret lab which was the island. They have to travel via Austria and a few more stops in Europe to ensure no one able to track them.

In the helicopter, Stephano slept the whole way there.

However, the helicopter ride was uncomfortable for Stephano.

After they got off and he confirmed with Black once more that they were not followed or any trail was left. His body was still weak so he decided to go to his penthouse on the top floor to catch up on sleep.

However, he received a call from Gordon as he kept urging him to visit Ara first.

"Boss, please visit Ara's lab right away! She is becoming difficult to handle. She doesn't eat properly and seems lost. Appear once in front of her. Your single glance will calm her down!" Gordon said on the phone with so much irritation in his voice and he seems tired.

Stephano: "…"