Chapter 274- Scouting begins

After half an hour Evan parked his car in front of the popular hotel in the city.

They all stepped down from the car, and a Valet arrived to park the car.

After handing over the key to the valet, Evan whispered something in his ear and gestured for the men to follow his lead.

"Who was he?" Zack questioned as they walked straight towards the elevator. Evan had already completed their check-in formalities.

"One of us!" Evan answered with a smile.

"Will you stop that?" Francesco chimed in with utmost annoyance.

"What?" Evan questioned in confusion.

"That? That 100 watts smile of yours! Doesn't your cheek hurt?"

"He is grumpy, ignore him!" Ace glared at Francesco to shut him up.

Evan couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I can see Arlette was right!"

Hearing Arlette's name, Francesco's eyes popped out, "What? How do you know Arlette?"