Chapter 285- Beautiful date (3)

[Warning: Mature content ahead. Read at your own risk.]

His hand snaked around her fragile waist and hoisted her up slightly to make her sit on his lap.

"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable or if you want me to stop. okay, amor?" Zain mumbled and as Rizi gave a nod of acknowledgement he claimed her lips again. 

Her head began to arch behind with the intensity of force that he used as he deepened the kiss.

His hands slowly move across her entire body to explore every inch of her. 

He was burning for her and he knew only she could be his salvation. 

"I want you Rizelle! The only you!" He enunciated each word so that she could feel the intensity of his feeling for her.

His words left her aching more for him. He made her burn alongside him.

What a seduction! 

It was a sensual, yet passionate confession to her ears. 

She bit his shoulder in response.