Chapter 288- Reached La Rochelle

Zain sighed and picked up his phone to connect with his PR department. He went inside the cabin to not disturbed Rizi and deal with this matter swiftly.

Next 10 minutes, all the links were deleted as if the news was not there at all.

Instead, the news about Andrew D'Souza's real identity as Stephano Rossellini and how he killed Bella and Martin Bennetti took whole internet and media by storm. The news created uproar as it was the breaking news of the hour.

In the next 30 minutes, Zain's interview from Airplane went live and cleared the air about Rizi and Leo. He gave small explanation about their past incidents without details to set story straight. He clarified his intentions towards both of them. Soon after his interview, news from the Military came out about Andrew aka Stephano as the most wanted criminal right now attesting to Zain's statement. 

Soon he heard announcement for preparations of landing and packed his iPad and gadgets.