Chapter 296- The Battle Begins

Zain signaled his team to proceed further toward the giant main metallic door of the building. He leaned in closer, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Any sign of their security systems?" he asked, his voice tense with anticipation.

Rizi shook her head, her focus unwavering. "Give me a moment."

With a series of complex algorithms, Rizi bypassed the outer security measures, "We are in! Push the door slowly!" she declared.

As she declared, Zain slowly pushed the door and signaled his team to follow as they penetrated deeper into the compound undetected. "We're in!"

"Security system replicated and deactivated. He won't be able to see us," Rizi declared, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "But we need to proceed with caution. Move towards the left. It has the shortest route to their center!"

On the other hand, Captain Evan's team entered as well from a different gate with the help of Francesco.